Tony DeRose, Research Group Lead (emeritus) Contact: tdderose@gmail.com
Tony DeRose is currently an educational consultant. From 1996 to 2018,
he was a Senior Scientist at Pixar, where he led Pixar’s Research Group.
Previously, he was a professor of Computer Science and Engineering at the
University of Washington. In recent years he has developed several initiatives
to help make math, science, and engineering education more inspiring for middle
and high school students. One such initiative is Pixar in a Box
(pixarinabox.org), which is designed to
show students how concepts they learn in class are used to solve creative
challenges at Pixar. He is also a co-founder and Chair of Make Ed
(makered.org), a non-profit dedicated to
promoting the use of maker-centered learning. DeRose received two Scientific
and Technical Academy Awards (c) for his work on the mathematics of surfaces,
as well as the ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics Achievement Award. He earned a
BS in physics from the University of California at Davis and a PhD in Computer
Science from the University of California at Berkeley.