No Matches
Surface< REAL > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Surface< REAL >, including all inherited members.

ApplyStencil(REAL const stencil[], REAL const controlPoints[], PointDescriptor const &, REAL result[]) constSurface< REAL >
ApplyStencilFromMesh(REAL const stencil[], REAL const meshPoints[], PointDescriptor const &, REAL result[]) constSurface< REAL >
BoundControlPoints(REAL const controlPoints[], PointDescriptor const &controlPointDesc, REAL minExtent[], REAL maxExtent[]) constSurface< REAL >
BoundControlPointsFromMesh(REAL const meshPoints[], PointDescriptor const &meshPointDesc, REAL minExtent[], REAL maxExtent[]) constSurface< REAL >
Clear()Surface< REAL >inline
ComputePatchPoints(REAL patchPoints[], PointDescriptor const &patchPointDesc) constSurface< REAL >inline
Evaluate(REAL const uv[2], REAL const patchPoints[], PointDescriptor const &pointDesc, REAL P[]) constSurface< REAL >inline
Evaluate(REAL const uv[2], REAL const patchPoints[], PointDescriptor const &pointDesc, REAL P[], REAL Du[], REAL Dv[]) constSurface< REAL >inline
Evaluate(REAL const uv[2], REAL const patchPoints[], PointDescriptor const &pointDesc, REAL P[], REAL Du[], REAL Dv[], REAL Duu[], REAL Duv[], REAL Dvv[]) constSurface< REAL >inline
EvaluateStencil(REAL const uv[2], REAL sP[]) constSurface< REAL >inline
EvaluateStencil(REAL const uv[2], REAL sP[], REAL sDu[], REAL sDv[]) constSurface< REAL >inline
EvaluateStencil(REAL const uv[2], REAL sP[], REAL sDu[], REAL sDv[], REAL sDuu[], REAL sDuv[], REAL sDvv[]) constSurface< REAL >inline
GatherControlPoints(REAL_MESH const meshPoints[], PointDescriptor const &meshPointDesc, REAL controlPoints[], PointDescriptor const &controlPointDesc) constSurface< REAL >
GetControlPointIndices(Index meshPointIndices[]) constSurface< REAL >
GetFaceSize() constSurface< REAL >inline
GetNumControlPoints() constSurface< REAL >inline
GetNumPatchPoints() constSurface< REAL >
GetParameterization() constSurface< REAL >inline
Index typedefSurface< REAL >
IsLinear() constSurface< REAL >inline
IsRegular() constSurface< REAL >inline
IsValid() constSurface< REAL >inline
operator=(Surface const &src)=defaultSurface< REAL >
PreparePatchPoints(REAL const meshPoints[], PointDescriptor const &meshPointDesc, REAL patchPoints[], PointDescriptor const &patchPointDesc) constSurface< REAL >inline
Surface()Surface< REAL >
Surface(Surface const &src)=defaultSurface< REAL >
SurfaceFactorySurface< REAL >friend
~Surface()=defaultSurface< REAL >