No Matches
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 CLimitsSimple struct with limits related to topology
 CParameterizationSimple class defining the 2D parameterization of a face
 CRefinerSurfaceFactoryTemplate for concrete subclasses of RefinerSurfaceFactoryBase
 CRefinerSurfaceFactoryBaseIntermediate subclass of SurfaceFactory with Far::TopologyRefiner as the mesh
 CSurfaceEncapsulates the limit surface for a face of a mesh
 CSurfaceFactoryBase class providing initialization of a Surface for each face of a mesh
 CSurfaceFactoryCacheContainer used internally by SurfaceFactory to store reusable information
 CSurfaceFactoryCacheThreadedTemplate for declaring thread-safe subclasses of SurfaceFactoryCache
 CSurfaceFactoryMeshAdapterAbstract interface adapting SurfaceFactory to a connected mesh representation
 CTessellationEncapsulates a specific tessellation pattern of a Parameterization
 CVertexDescriptorSimple class used by subclasses of SurfaceFactory to describe a vertex
 CLimitStencilLimit point stencil class wrapping the template for compatibility
 CLimitStencilRealLimit point stencil descriptor
 CLimitStencilTableLimit stencil table class wrapping the template for compatibility
 CLimitStencilTableFactoryStencil table factory class wrapping the template for compatibility
 CLimitStencilTableFactoryRealA specialized factory for LimitStencilTable
 CLimitStencilTableRealTable of limit subdivision stencils
 CPatchDescriptorDescribes the type of a patch
 CPatchMapAn quadtree-based map connecting coarse faces to their sub-patches
 CPatchParamPatch parameterization
 CPatchTableContainer for arrays of parametric patches
 CPatchTableFactoryFactory for constructing a PatchTable from a TopologyRefiner
 CPrimvarRefinerRealApplies refinement operations to generic primvar data
 CPtexIndicesObject used to compute and query ptex face indices
 CStencilVertex stencil class wrapping the template for compatibility
 CStencilRealVertex stencil descriptor
 CStencilTableStencil table class wrapping the template for compatibility
 CStencilTableFactoryStencil table factory class wrapping the template for compatibility
 CStencilTableFactoryRealA specialized factory for StencilTable
 CStencilTableRealTable of subdivision stencils
 CTopologyDescriptorA simple reference to raw topology data for use with TopologyRefinerFactory
 CTopologyLevelAn interface for accessing data in a specific level of a refined topology hierarchy
 CTopologyRefinerStores topology data for a specified set of refinement options
 CTopologyRefinerFactoryFactory for constructing TopologyRefiners from specific mesh classes
 CTopologyRefinerFactoryBasePrivate base class of Factories for constructing TopologyRefiners
 CBufferDescriptorBufferDescriptor is a struct which describes buffer elements in interleaved data buffers. Almost all Osd Evaluator APIs take BufferDescriptors along with device-specific buffer objects
 CCLPatchTableCL patch table
 CCLStencilTableOpenCL stencil table
 CCLVertexBufferConcrete vertex buffer class for OpenCL subdivision
 CCpuD3D11VertexBufferConcrete vertex buffer class for Cpu subdivision and DirectX drawing
 CCpuGLVertexBufferConcrete vertex buffer class for cpu subdivision and OpenGL drawing
 CCpuPatchTableCpu patch table
 CCpuVertexBufferConcrete vertex buffer class for CPU subdivision
 CCudaPatchTableCUDA patch table
 CCudaStencilTableCUDA stencil table
 CCudaVertexBufferConcrete vertex buffer class for Cuda subdivision
 CD3D11StencilTableD3D11 stencil table
 CD3D11VertexBufferConcrete vertex buffer class for DirectX subdivision and DirectX drawing
 CGLSLPatchShaderSourceProvides shader source which can be used by client code
 CGLStencilTableSSBOGL stencil table (Shader Storage buffer)
 CGLStencilTableTBOGL TextureBuffer stencil table
 CGLVertexBufferConcrete vertex buffer class for GLSL subdivision and OpenGL drawing
 CHLSLPatchShaderSourceProvides shader source which can be used by client code
 CMTLPatchShaderSourceProvides shader source which can be used by client code
 CPatchCoordCoordinates set on a patch table
 CCreaseTypes, constants and utilities related to semi-sharp creasing – whose implementation is independent of the subdivision scheme
 COptionsAll supported options applying to subdivision scheme
 CSchemeScheme is a class template which provides all implementation for the subdivision schemes supported by OpenSubdiv through specializations of the methods of each. An instance of Scheme<SCHEME_TYPE> includes a set of Options that will dictate the variable aspects of its behavior.
 CSchemeTypeTraitsTraits associated with the types of all subdivision schemes – parameterized by the scheme type. All traits are also defined in the scheme itself