Matthias Eck, Tony D. DeRose, Tom Duchamp, Hugues Hoppe, Michael Lounsbery, Werner Stuetzle
In computer graphics and geometric modeling, shapes are often
represented by triangular meshes. With the advent of laser scanning
systems, meshes of extreme complexity are rapidly becoming
commonplace. Such meshes are notoriously expensive to store,
transmit, render, and are awkward to edit. Multiresolution analysis
offers a simple, unified, and theoretically sound approach to dealing
with these problems. Lounsbery et al. have recently developed a
technique for creating multiresolution representations for a
restricted class of meshes with subdivision connectivity.
Unfortunately, meshes encountered in practice typically do not meet
this requirement. In this paper we present a method for overcoming
the subdivision connectivity restriction, meaning that completely
arbitrary meshes can now be converted to multiresolution form. The
method is based on the approximation of an arbitrary initial mesh M
by a mesh M^J that has subdivision connectivity and is guaranteed to
be within a specified...
Available in the Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 1995.