No Matches
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2// Copyright 2016 Pixar
4// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
5// with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
6// compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
7// Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
9// 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
10// names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
11// and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
12// the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
14// You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
16// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
18// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
19// distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
21// KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
22// language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
27#include "pxr/pxr.h"
36class GfBBox3d;
37class GfDualQuatd;
38class GfDualQuatf;
39class GfDualQuath;
40class GfFrustum;
41class GfInterval;
42class GfMultiInterval;
43class GfLine;
44class GfLineSeg;
45class GfPlane;
46class GfQuatd;
47class GfQuatf;
48class GfQuath;
49class GfQuaternion;
50class GfRay;
51class GfRect2i;
52class GfRect2i;
53class GfRotation;
54class GfSize2;
55class GfSize3;
56class GfMatrix2d;
57class GfMatrix2f;
58class GfMatrix3d;
59class GfMatrix3f;
60class GfMatrix4d;
61class GfMatrix4f;
62class GfRange1d;
63class GfRange1f;
64class GfRange2d;
65class GfRange2f;
66class GfRange3d;
67class GfRange3f;
68class GfVec2d;
69class GfVec2f;
70class GfVec2h;
71class GfVec2i;
72class GfVec3d;
73class GfVec3f;
74class GfVec3h;
75class GfVec3i;
76class GfVec4d;
77class GfVec4f;
78class GfVec4h;
79class GfVec4i;
Basic type: arbitrarily oriented 3D bounding box.
Definition: bbox3d.h:84
Basic type: a real part quaternion and a dual part quaternion.
Definition: dualQuatd.h:67
Basic type: a real part quaternion and a dual part quaternion.
Definition: dualQuatf.h:67
Basic type: a real part quaternion and a dual part quaternion.
Definition: dualQuath.h:68
Basic type: View frustum.
Definition: frustum.h:88
A basic mathematical interval class.
Definition: interval.h:50
Basic type: 3D line.
Definition: line.h:49
Basic type: 3D line segment.
Definition: lineSeg.h:47
Stores a 2x2 matrix of double elements.
Definition: matrix2d.h:62
Stores a 2x2 matrix of float elements.
Definition: matrix2f.h:62
Stores a 3x3 matrix of double elements.
Definition: matrix3d.h:82
Stores a 3x3 matrix of float elements.
Definition: matrix3f.h:82
Stores a 4x4 matrix of double elements.
Definition: matrix4d.h:88
Stores a 4x4 matrix of float elements.
Definition: matrix4f.h:88
GfMultiInterval represents a subset of the real number line as an ordered set of non-intersecting GfI...
Definition: multiInterval.h:47
Basic type: 3-dimensional plane.
Definition: plane.h:54
Basic type: a quaternion, a complex number with a real coefficient and three imaginary coefficients,...
Definition: quatd.h:60
Basic type: complex number with scalar real part and vector imaginary part.
Definition: quaternion.h:50
Basic type: a quaternion, a complex number with a real coefficient and three imaginary coefficients,...
Definition: quatf.h:60
Basic type: a quaternion, a complex number with a real coefficient and three imaginary coefficients,...
Definition: quath.h:61
Basic type: 1-dimensional floating point range.
Definition: range1d.h:62
Basic type: 1-dimensional floating point range.
Definition: range1f.h:62
Basic type: 2-dimensional floating point range.
Definition: range2d.h:64
Basic type: 2-dimensional floating point range.
Definition: range2f.h:64
Basic type: 3-dimensional floating point range.
Definition: range3d.h:64
Basic type: 3-dimensional floating point range.
Definition: range3f.h:64
Basic type: Ray used for intersection testing.
Definition: ray.h:61
A 2D rectangle with integer coordinates.
Definition: rect2i.h:60
Basic type: 3-space rotation specification.
Definition: rotation.h:54
Two-dimensional array of sizes.
Definition: size2.h:51
Three-dimensional array of sizes.
Definition: size3.h:51
Basic type for a vector of 2 double components.
Definition: vec2d.h:63
Basic type for a vector of 2 float components.
Definition: vec2f.h:63
Basic type for a vector of 2 GfHalf components.
Definition: vec2h.h:64
Basic type for a vector of 2 int components.
Definition: vec2i.h:61
Basic type for a vector of 3 double components.
Definition: vec3d.h:63
Basic type for a vector of 3 float components.
Definition: vec3f.h:63
Basic type for a vector of 3 GfHalf components.
Definition: vec3h.h:64
Basic type for a vector of 3 int components.
Definition: vec3i.h:61
Basic type for a vector of 4 double components.
Definition: vec4d.h:63
Basic type for a vector of 4 float components.
Definition: vec4f.h:63
Basic type for a vector of 4 GfHalf components.
Definition: vec4h.h:64
Basic type for a vector of 4 int components.
Definition: vec4i.h:61