No Matches
GfRay Member List

This is the complete list of members for GfRay, including all inherited members.

FindClosestPoint(const GfVec3d &point, double *rayDistance=NULL) constGfRay
GetDirection() constGfRayinline
GetPoint(double distance) constGfRayinline
GetStartPoint() constGfRayinline
GfRay(const GfVec3d &startPoint, const GfVec3d &direction)GfRayinline
Intersect(const GfVec3d &p0, const GfVec3d &p1, const GfVec3d &p2, double *distance=NULL, GfVec3d *barycentricCoords=NULL, bool *frontFacing=NULL, double maxDist=std::numeric_limits< double >::infinity()) constGfRay
Intersect(const GfPlane &plane, double *distance=NULL, bool *frontFacing=NULL) constGfRay
Intersect(const GfRange3d &box, double *enterDistance=NULL, double *exitDistance=NULL) constGfRay
Intersect(const GfBBox3d &box, double *enterDistance=NULL, double *exitDistance=NULL) constGfRay
Intersect(const GfVec3d &center, double radius, double *enterDistance=NULL, double *exitDistance=NULL) constGfRay
Intersect(const GfVec3d &origin, const GfVec3d &axis, const double radius, double *enterDistance=NULL, double *exitDistance=NULL) constGfRay
Intersect(const GfVec3d &origin, const GfVec3d &axis, const double radius, const double height, double *enterDistance=NULL, double *exitDistance=NULL) constGfRay
operator!=(const GfRay &r) constGfRayinline
operator==(const GfRay &r) constGfRayinline
SetEnds(const GfVec3d &startPoint, const GfVec3d &endPoint)GfRay
SetPointAndDirection(const GfVec3d &startPoint, const GfVec3d &direction)GfRay
Transform(const GfMatrix4d &matrix)GfRay