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1 //
2 // Copyright 2016 Pixar
3 //
4 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
5 // with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
6 // compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
7 // Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
8 //
9 // 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
10 // names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
11 // and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
12 // the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
13 //
14 // You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
15 //
16 //
17 //
18 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
19 // distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
21 // KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
22 // language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
23 //
24 #ifndef PXR_USD_PCP_CACHE_H
25 #define PXR_USD_PCP_CACHE_H
27 #include "pxr/pxr.h"
28 #include "pxr/usd/pcp/api.h"
29 #include "pxr/usd/pcp/dependency.h"
30 #include "pxr/usd/pcp/errors.h"
31 #include "pxr/usd/pcp/mapFunction.h"
32 #include "pxr/usd/pcp/primIndex.h"
33 #include "pxr/usd/pcp/propertyIndex.h"
35 #include "pxr/usd/sdf/path.h"
36 #include "pxr/usd/sdf/pathTable.h"
38 #include "pxr/usd/ar/ar.h"
41 #include "pxr/base/tf/functionRef.h"
42 #include "pxr/base/tf/hashset.h"
44 #include <memory>
45 #include <string>
46 #include <unordered_set>
47 #include <vector>
51 // Forward declarations:
52 class PcpChanges;
53 class PcpCacheChanges;
54 class Pcp_Dependencies;
56 class PcpLifeboat;
57 class PcpNodeRef;
58 class PcpMapFunction;
61 TF_DECLARE_WEAK_AND_REF_PTRS(Pcp_LayerStackRegistry);
93 class PcpCache
94 {
95  PcpCache(PcpCache const &) = delete;
96  PcpCache &operator=(PcpCache const &) = delete;
97 public:
108  PCP_API
109  PcpCache(const PcpLayerStackIdentifier & layerStackIdentifier,
110  const std::string& fileFormatTarget = std::string(),
111  bool usd = false);
112  PCP_API ~PcpCache();
118  PCP_API
127  PCP_API
128  PcpLayerStackPtr GetLayerStack() const;
131  PCP_API
132  bool IsUsd() const;
135  PCP_API
136  const std::string& GetFileFormatTarget() const;
140  PCP_API
149  PCP_API
150  void SetVariantFallbacks( const PcpVariantFallbackMap & map,
151  PcpChanges* changes = NULL );
154  PCP_API
155  bool IsPayloadIncluded(const SdfPath &path) const;
158  using PayloadSet = std::unordered_set<SdfPath, SdfPath::Hash>;
159  PCP_API
160  PayloadSet const &GetIncludedPayloads() const;
173  PCP_API
174  void RequestPayloads( const SdfPathSet & pathsToInclude,
175  const SdfPathSet & pathsToExclude,
176  PcpChanges* changes = NULL );
186 #if AR_VERSION == 1
187 #else
194 #endif
199  PCP_API
216  void RequestLayerMuting(const std::vector<std::string>& layersToMute,
217  const std::vector<std::string>& layersToUnmute,
218  PcpChanges* changes = nullptr,
219  std::vector<std::string>* newLayersMuted = nullptr,
220  std::vector<std::string>* newLayersUnmuted =
221  nullptr);
226  PCP_API
227  const std::vector<std::string>& GetMutedLayers() const;
234  PCP_API
235  bool IsLayerMuted(const std::string& layerIdentifier) const;
244  PCP_API
245  bool IsLayerMuted(const SdfLayerHandle& anchorLayer,
246  const std::string& layerIdentifier,
247  std::string* canonicalMutedLayerIdentifier
248  = nullptr) const;
252  PCP_API
265  PCP_API
266  PcpLayerStackRefPtr
267  ComputeLayerStack(const PcpLayerStackIdentifier &identifier,
268  PcpErrorVector *allErrors);
272  PCP_API
273  PcpLayerStackPtr
274  FindLayerStack(const PcpLayerStackIdentifier &identifier) const;
278  PCP_API
279  bool UsesLayerStack(const PcpLayerStackPtr &layerStack) const;
284  PCP_API
285  const PcpPrimIndex &
286  ComputePrimIndex(const SdfPath &primPath, PcpErrorVector *allErrors);
310  template <class ChildrenPredicate, class PayloadPredicate>
312  PcpErrorVector *allErrors,
313  const ChildrenPredicate &childrenPred,
314  const PayloadPredicate &payloadPred) {
315  ComputePrimIndexesInParallel(SdfPathVector(1, path), allErrors,
316  childrenPred, payloadPred,
317  "Pcp", "ComputePrimIndexesInParallel");
318  }
323  template <class ChildrenPredicate, class PayloadPredicate>
325  PcpErrorVector *allErrors,
326  const ChildrenPredicate &childrenPred,
327  const PayloadPredicate &payloadPred,
328  const char *mallocTag1,
329  const char *mallocTag2) {
330  ComputePrimIndexesInParallel(SdfPathVector(1, path), allErrors,
331  childrenPred, payloadPred,
332  mallocTag1, mallocTag2);
333  }
337  template <class ChildrenPredicate, class PayloadPredicate>
338  void ComputePrimIndexesInParallel(const SdfPathVector &paths,
339  PcpErrorVector *allErrors,
340  const ChildrenPredicate &childrenPred,
341  const PayloadPredicate &payloadPred) {
342  _UntypedIndexingChildrenPredicate cp(&childrenPred);
343  _UntypedIndexingPayloadPredicate pp(&payloadPred);
344  _ComputePrimIndexesInParallel(paths, allErrors, cp, pp,
345  "Pcp", "ComputePrimIndexesInParallel");
346  }
351  template <class ChildrenPredicate, class PayloadPredicate>
352  void ComputePrimIndexesInParallel(const SdfPathVector &paths,
353  PcpErrorVector *allErrors,
354  const ChildrenPredicate &childrenPred,
355  const PayloadPredicate &payloadPred,
356  const char *mallocTag1,
357  const char *mallocTag2) {
358  _UntypedIndexingChildrenPredicate cp(&childrenPred);
359  _UntypedIndexingPayloadPredicate pp(&payloadPred);
360  _ComputePrimIndexesInParallel(paths, allErrors, cp, pp,
361  mallocTag1, mallocTag2);
362  }
366  PCP_API
367  const PcpPrimIndex *
368  FindPrimIndex(const SdfPath &primPath) const;
372  template <class Callback>
373  void
374  ForEachPrimIndex(const Callback& callback) const
375  {
377  _ForEachPrimIndex(fn);
378  }
383  PCP_API
384  const PcpPropertyIndex &
385  ComputePropertyIndex(const SdfPath &propPath, PcpErrorVector *allErrors);
389  PCP_API
390  const PcpPropertyIndex *
391  FindPropertyIndex(const SdfPath &propPath) const;
402  PCP_API
403  void
404  ComputeRelationshipTargetPaths(const SdfPath &relationshipPath,
405  SdfPathVector *paths,
406  bool localOnly,
407  const SdfSpecHandle &stopProperty,
408  bool includeStopProperty,
409  SdfPathVector *deletedPaths,
410  PcpErrorVector *allErrors);
421  PCP_API
422  void
423  ComputeAttributeConnectionPaths(const SdfPath &attributePath,
424  SdfPathVector *paths,
425  bool localOnly,
426  const SdfSpecHandle &stopProperty,
427  bool includeStopProperty,
428  SdfPathVector *deletedPaths,
429  PcpErrorVector *allErrors);
436  PCP_API
437  SdfLayerHandleSet GetUsedLayers() const;
444  PCP_API
445  size_t GetUsedLayersRevision() const;
448  PCP_API
449  SdfLayerHandleSet GetUsedRootLayers() const;
452  PCP_API
453  const PcpLayerStackPtrVector&
454  FindAllLayerStacksUsingLayer(const SdfLayerHandle& layer) const;
469  PCP_API
470  PcpDependencyVector
471  FindSiteDependencies(const PcpLayerStackPtr& siteLayerStack,
472  const SdfPath& sitePath,
473  PcpDependencyFlags depMask,
474  bool recurseOnSite,
475  bool recurseOnIndex,
476  bool filterForExistingCachesOnly) const;
487  PCP_API
488  PcpDependencyVector
489  FindSiteDependencies(const SdfLayerHandle& siteLayer,
490  const SdfPath& sitePath,
491  PcpDependencyFlags depMask,
492  bool recurseOnSite,
493  bool recurseOnIndex,
494  bool filterForExistingCachesOnly) const;
504  PCP_API
505  bool CanHaveOpinionForSite(const SdfPath& localPcpSitePath,
506  const SdfLayerHandle& layer,
507  SdfPath* allowedPathInLayer) const;
511  PCP_API
512  std::vector<std::string> GetInvalidSublayerIdentifiers() const;
518  PCP_API
519  bool IsInvalidSublayerIdentifier(const std::string& identifier) const;
523  PCP_API
524  std::map<SdfPath, std::vector<std::string>, SdfPath::FastLessThan>
525  GetInvalidAssetPaths() const;
531  PCP_API
532  bool IsInvalidAssetPath(const std::string& resolvedAssetPath) const;
536  PCP_API
542  PCP_API
543  bool IsPossibleDynamicFileFormatArgumentField(const TfToken &field) const;
549  PCP_API
552  const SdfPath &primIndexPath) const;
578  PCP_API
579  void Apply(const PcpCacheChanges& changes, PcpLifeboat* lifeboat);
587  PCP_API
588  void Reload(PcpChanges* changes);
601  PCP_API
602  void ReloadReferences(PcpChanges* changes, const SdfPath& primPath);
610  PCP_API
611  void PrintStatistics() const;
615 private:
616  friend class PcpChanges;
617  friend class Pcp_Statistics;
619  struct _ParallelIndexer;
621  // Helper struct to type-erase a children predicate for the duration of
622  // ComputePrimIndexesInParallel.
623  //
624  // This lets us achieve two goals. First, clients may pass any arbitrary
625  // type as a predicate (e.g. they do not have to derive some base class).
626  // Second, it lets us keep the parallel indexing implementation in the .cpp
627  // file, avoiding any large template code instantiation.
628  //
629  // The cost we pay is this very thin indirect call. We instantiate a
630  // function template with the client's predicate type that simply does a
631  // typecast and predicate invocation, and pass that function pointer into
632  // the implementation. There is no heap allocation, no predicate copy, no
633  // argument marshalling, etc.
634  struct _UntypedIndexingChildrenPredicate {
635  _UntypedIndexingChildrenPredicate() : pred(nullptr), invoke(nullptr) {}
636  template <class Pred>
637  explicit _UntypedIndexingChildrenPredicate(const Pred *pred)
638  : pred(pred), invoke(_Invoke<Pred>) {}
640  inline bool operator()(const PcpPrimIndex &index,
641  TfTokenVector *childNamesToCompose) const {
642  return invoke(pred, index, childNamesToCompose);
643  }
644  private:
645  template <class Pred>
646  static bool _Invoke(const void *pred, const PcpPrimIndex &index,
647  TfTokenVector *namesToCompose) {
648  return (*static_cast<const Pred *>(pred))(index, namesToCompose);
649  }
650  const void *pred;
651  bool (*invoke)(const void *, const PcpPrimIndex &, TfTokenVector *);
652  };
654  // See doc for _UntypedIndexingChildrenPredicate above. This does the same
655  // for the payload inclusion predicate.
656  struct _UntypedIndexingPayloadPredicate {
657  template <class Pred>
658  explicit _UntypedIndexingPayloadPredicate(const Pred *pred)
659  : pred(pred), invoke(_Invoke<Pred>) {}
661  inline bool operator()(const SdfPath &path) const {
662  return invoke(pred, path);
663  }
664  private:
665  template <class Pred>
666  static bool _Invoke(const void *pred, const SdfPath &path) {
667  return (*static_cast<const Pred *>(pred))(path);
668  }
669  const void *pred;
670  bool (*invoke)(const void *, const SdfPath &);
671  };
673  // Internal helper for recursive indexing.
674  const PcpPrimIndex &
675  _ComputePrimIndexWithCompatibleInputs(
676  const SdfPath & path, const PcpPrimIndexInputs &inputs,
677  PcpErrorVector *allErrors);
679  // Friend to allow low-level indexing code access to the above.
680  friend const PcpPrimIndex &
681  Pcp_ComputePrimIndexWithCompatibleInputs(
682  PcpCache &cache,
683  const SdfPath & path, const PcpPrimIndexInputs &inputs,
684  PcpErrorVector *allErrors);
686  // Parallel indexing implementation.
687  PCP_API
688  void _ComputePrimIndexesInParallel(
689  const SdfPathVector &paths,
690  PcpErrorVector *allErrors,
691  _UntypedIndexingChildrenPredicate childrenPred,
692  _UntypedIndexingPayloadPredicate payloadPred,
693  const char *mallocTag1,
694  const char *mallocTag2);
696  void _RemovePrimCache(const SdfPath& primPath, PcpLifeboat* lifeboat);
697  void _RemovePrimAndPropertyCaches(const SdfPath& root,
698  PcpLifeboat* lifeboat);
699  void _RemovePropertyCache(const SdfPath& root, PcpLifeboat* lifeboat);
700  void _RemovePropertyCaches(const SdfPath& root, PcpLifeboat* lifeboat);
702  // Returns the prim index for \p path if it exists, NULL otherwise.
703  PcpPrimIndex* _GetPrimIndex(const SdfPath& path);
704  const PcpPrimIndex* _GetPrimIndex(const SdfPath& path) const;
706  // Returns the property index for \p path if it exists, NULL otherwise.
707  PcpPropertyIndex* _GetPropertyIndex(const SdfPath& path);
708  const PcpPropertyIndex* _GetPropertyIndex(const SdfPath& path) const;
710  PCP_API
711  void _ForEachPrimIndex(
712  const TfFunctionRef<void(const PcpPrimIndex&)>& fn) const;
714 private:
715  // Fixed evaluation parameters, set when the cache is created. Note that
716  // _rootLayer and _sessionLayer are not const because we want to mutate them
717  // to enable parallel teardown in the destructor.
718  SdfLayerRefPtr _rootLayer;
719  SdfLayerRefPtr _sessionLayer;
720  const PcpLayerStackIdentifier _layerStackIdentifier;
722  // Flag that configures PcpCache to use the restricted set of USD features.
723  // Currently it governs whether relocates, inherits, permissions,
724  // symmetry, or payloads are considered, and whether the prim stack
725  // is populated and its depdencies gathered during computation of
726  // prim indices and composition of prim child names.
727  const bool _usd;
729  // File format target for all scene description layers this cache will
730  // find or open during prim index computation.
731  const std::string _fileFormatTarget;
733  // The layer stack for this cache. Holding this by ref ptr means we
734  // hold all of our local layers by ref ptr (including the root and
735  // session layers, again).
736  PcpLayerStackRefPtr _layerStack;
738  // Modifiable evaluation parameters.
739  // Anything that changes these should also yield a PcpChanges
740  // value describing the necessary cache invalidation.
741  PayloadSet _includedPayloads;
742  PcpVariantFallbackMap _variantFallbackMap;
744  // Cached computation types.
745  typedef Pcp_LayerStackRegistryRefPtr _LayerStackCache;
746  typedef SdfPathTable<PcpPrimIndex> _PrimIndexCache;
747  typedef SdfPathTable<PcpPropertyIndex> _PropertyIndexCache;
749  // Cached computations.
750  _LayerStackCache _layerStackCache;
751  _PrimIndexCache _primIndexCache;
752  _PropertyIndexCache _propertyIndexCache;
753  std::unique_ptr<Pcp_Dependencies> _primDependencies;
755  // Parallel indexer state.
756  std::unique_ptr<_ParallelIndexer> _parallelIndexer;
757 };
761 #endif // PXR_USD_PCP_CACHE_H
void ComputePrimIndexesInParallel(const SdfPath &path, PcpErrorVector *allErrors, const ChildrenPredicate &childrenPred, const PayloadPredicate &payloadPred)
Compute PcpPrimIndexes in the subtree rooted at path in parallel, recursing to children based on the ...
Definition: cache.h:311
PCP_API const PcpPrimIndex * FindPrimIndex(const SdfPath &primPath) const
Returns a pointer to the cached computed prim index for the given path, or NULL if it has not been co...
PCP_API void PrintStatistics() const
Prints various statistics about the data stored in this cache.
PCP_API bool IsUsd() const
Return true if the cache is configured in Usd mode.
PcpPrimIndex is an index of the all sites of scene description that contribute opinions to a specific...
Definition: primIndex.h:75
PCP_API const PcpPrimIndex & ComputePrimIndex(const SdfPath &primPath, PcpErrorVector *allErrors)
Compute and return a reference to the cached result for the prim index for the given path...
Standard pointer typedefs.
PCP_API std::map< SdfPath, std::vector< std::string >, SdfPath::FastLessThan > GetInvalidAssetPaths() const
Returns a map of prim paths to asset paths used by that prim (e.g.
PCP_API PcpPrimIndexInputs GetPrimIndexInputs()
Returns parameter object containing all inputs for the prim index computation used by this cache...
Represents a stack of layers that contribute opinions to composition.
Definition: layerStack.h:65
PCP_API SdfLayerHandleSet GetUsedRootLayers() const
Returns set of all root layers used by this cache.
void ComputePrimIndexesInParallel(const SdfPathVector &paths, PcpErrorVector *allErrors, const ChildrenPredicate &childrenPred, const PayloadPredicate &payloadPred, const char *mallocTag1, const char *mallocTag2)
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function o...
Definition: cache.h:352
Describes Pcp changes.
Definition: changes.h:173
PCP_API PcpLayerStackPtr FindLayerStack(const PcpLayerStackIdentifier &identifier) const
Returns the layer stack for identifier if it has been computed and cached, otherwise returns NULL...
PcpNode represents a node in an expression tree for compositing scene description.
Definition: node.h:67
PCP_API PcpLayerStackPtr GetLayerStack() const
Get the layer stack for GetLayerStackIdentifier().
PCP_API void Apply(const PcpCacheChanges &changes, PcpLifeboat *lifeboat)
Apply the changes in changes.
PCP_API const PcpLayerStackIdentifier & GetLayerStackIdentifier() const
Get the identifier of the layerStack used for composition.
PcpCache is the context required to make requests of the Pcp composition algorithm and cache the resu...
Definition: cache.h:93
PCP_API bool IsPayloadIncluded(const SdfPath &path) const
Return true if the payload is included for the given path.
PCP_API SdfLayerHandleSet GetUsedLayers() const
Returns set of all layers used by this cache.
Base class for all Sdf spec classes.
Definition: spec.h:51
PCP_API void RequestLayerMuting(const std::vector< std::string > &layersToMute, const std::vector< std::string > &layersToUnmute, PcpChanges *changes=nullptr, std::vector< std::string > *newLayersMuted=nullptr, std::vector< std::string > *newLayersUnmuted=nullptr)
Request layers to be muted or unmuted in this cache.
PCP_API bool UsesLayerStack(const PcpLayerStackPtr &layerStack) const
Return true if layerStack is used by this cache in its composition, false otherwise.
PCP_API const std::string & GetFileFormatTarget() const
Returns the file format target this cache is configured for.
Define standard weak, ref, and vector pointer types.
Definition: declarePtrs.h:89
PCP_API PcpDependencyVector FindSiteDependencies(const PcpLayerStackPtr &siteLayerStack, const SdfPath &sitePath, PcpDependencyFlags depMask, bool recurseOnSite, bool recurseOnIndex, bool filterForExistingCachesOnly) const
Returns dependencies on the given site of scene description, as discovered by the cached index comput...
This class provides a non-owning reference to a type-erased callable object with a specified signatur...
Definition: functionRef.h:36
void ForEachPrimIndex(const Callback &callback) const
Run the given callback on every prim index in the cache.
Definition: cache.h:374
PCP_API std::vector< std::string > GetInvalidSublayerIdentifiers() const
Returns a vector of sublayer asset paths used in the layer stack that didn&#39;t resolve to valid assets...
PCP_API const PcpPropertyIndex & ComputePropertyIndex(const SdfPath &propPath, PcpErrorVector *allErrors)
Compute and return a reference to the cached result for the property index for the given path...
void ComputePrimIndexesInParallel(const SdfPathVector &paths, PcpErrorVector *allErrors, const ChildrenPredicate &childrenPred, const PayloadPredicate &payloadPred)
Vectorized form of ComputePrimIndexesInParallel().
Definition: cache.h:338
PCP_API bool CanHaveOpinionForSite(const SdfPath &localPcpSitePath, const SdfLayerHandle &layer, SdfPath *allowedPathInLayer) const
Returns true if an opinion for the site at localPcpSitePath in the cache&#39;s layer stack can be provide...
PCP_API const PcpPropertyIndex * FindPropertyIndex(const SdfPath &propPath) const
Returns a pointer to the cached computed property index for the given path, or NULL if it has not bee...
Token for efficient comparison, assignment, and hashing of known strings.
Definition: token.h:87
PCP_API const PcpDynamicFileFormatDependencyData & GetDynamicFileFormatArgumentDependencyData(const SdfPath &primIndexPath) const
Returns the dynamic file format dependency data object for the prim index with the given primIndexPat...
PCP_API void ComputeAttributeConnectionPaths(const SdfPath &attributePath, SdfPathVector *paths, bool localOnly, const SdfSpecHandle &stopProperty, bool includeStopProperty, SdfPathVector *deletedPaths, PcpErrorVector *allErrors)
Compute the attribute connection paths for the attribute at attributePath into paths.
Inputs for the prim indexing procedure.
Definition: primIndex.h:330
std::unordered_set< SdfPath, SdfPath::Hash > PayloadSet
Returns the payloads requested for inclusion.
Definition: cache.h:158
PCP_API void ComputeRelationshipTargetPaths(const SdfPath &relationshipPath, SdfPathVector *paths, bool localOnly, const SdfSpecHandle &stopProperty, bool includeStopProperty, SdfPathVector *deletedPaths, PcpErrorVector *allErrors)
Compute the relationship target paths for the relationship at relationshipPath into paths...
PCP_API bool IsInvalidSublayerIdentifier(const std::string &identifier) const
Returns true if identifier was used as a sublayer path in a layer stack but did not identify a valid ...
std::vector< TfToken > TfTokenVector
Convenience types.
Definition: token.h:442
A function that maps values from one namespace (and time domain) to another.
Definition: mapFunction.h:80
A path value used to locate objects in layers or scenegraphs.
Definition: path.h:288
PCP_API const std::vector< std::string > & GetMutedLayers() const
Returns the list of canonical identifiers for muted layers in this cache.
Types of changes per cache.
Definition: changes.h:97
PCP_API void ReloadReferences(PcpChanges *changes, const SdfPath &primPath)
Reload every layer used by the prim at primPath that&#39;s across a reference or payload.
PCP_API bool IsPossibleDynamicFileFormatArgumentField(const TfToken &field) const
Returns true if the given field is the name of a field that was composed while generating dynamic fil...
PCP_API bool HasAnyDynamicFileFormatArgumentDependencies() const
Returns true if any prim index in this cache has a dependency on a dynamic file format argument field...
PCP_API const PcpLayerStackPtrVector & FindAllLayerStacksUsingLayer(const SdfLayerHandle &layer) const
Returns every computed &amp; cached layer stack that includes layer.
PCP_API PcpLayerStackRefPtr ComputeLayerStack(const PcpLayerStackIdentifier &identifier, PcpErrorVector *allErrors)
Returns the layer stack for identifier if it exists, otherwise creates a new layer stack for identifi...
PCP_API bool IsLayerMuted(const std::string &layerIdentifier) const
Returns true if the layer specified by layerIdentifier is muted in this cache, false otherwise...
PCP_API size_t GetUsedLayersRevision() const
Return a number that can be used to determine whether or not the set of layers used by this cache may...
PCP_API void Reload(PcpChanges *changes)
Reload the layers of the layer stack, except session layers and sublayers of session layers...
PCP_API void RequestPayloads(const SdfPathSet &pathsToInclude, const SdfPathSet &pathsToExclude, PcpChanges *changes=NULL)
Request payloads to be included or excluded from composition.
PCP_API bool IsInvalidAssetPath(const std::string &resolvedAssetPath) const
Returns true if resolvedAssetPath was used by a prim (e.g.
PcpPropertyIndex is an index of all sites in scene description that contribute opinions to a specific...
Definition: propertyIndex.h:65
void ComputePrimIndexesInParallel(const SdfPath &path, PcpErrorVector *allErrors, const ChildrenPredicate &childrenPred, const PayloadPredicate &payloadPred, const char *mallocTag1, const char *mallocTag2)
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function o...
Definition: cache.h:324
PCP_API void SetVariantFallbacks(const PcpVariantFallbackMap &map, PcpChanges *changes=NULL)
Set the list of fallbacks to attempt to use when evaluating variant sets that lack an authored select...
PCP_API PcpVariantFallbackMap GetVariantFallbacks() const
Get the list of fallbacks to attempt to use when evaluating variant sets that lack an authored select...
Structure used to temporarily retain layers and layerStacks within a code block.
Definition: changes.h:141
std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > > PcpVariantFallbackMap
typedef std::map&lt;std::string, std::vector&lt;std::string&gt;&gt; PcpVariantFallbackMap
Definition: types.h:188
Contains the necessary information for storing a prim index&#39;s dependency on dynamic file format argum...
Arguments used to identify a layer stack.