USD Tutorials

USD Tutorials

There are a provided set of tutorials in the Github repository of USD, located here. These tutorials presume that the user has downloaded the repository. All tutorial code is available under the extras/usd/tutorials directory from the root, unless noted otherwise. Note that each tutorial, at the top of the page, has a VERSION tag indicating what version it has been tested with. The versions correspond to releases in Github.

Environment Setup

USD provides Python bindings for most of its libraries. In these tutorials, we will be using these bindings almost exclusively. Ensure the following environment variables are set so that Python can locate these bindings.

Environment Variable Meaning Value
PYTHONPATH This is a path list which Python uses to find modules. $PYTHONPATH:USD_INSTALL_ROOT/lib/python/

Some tools in the USD Toolset rely on one another. For example, usddiff relies on usdcat for converting binary usd files into ascii. For this reason, these tools must be available on your PATH.

Environment Variable Meaning Value
PATH This is a path which *nix systems use to find applications. $PATH:USD_INSTALL_ROOT/bin/

For more information see our page on Advanced Build Configuration.


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