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HdsiCoordSysPrimSceneIndex Class Reference

If prim P has a coord sys binding FOO to another prim Q, the scene index will add a coord sys prim Q.__coordSys:FOO under Q. More...

#include <coordSysPrimSceneIndex.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for HdsiCoordSysPrimSceneIndex:

Public Member Functions

HDSI_API HdSceneIndexPrim GetPrim (const SdfPath &primPath) const override
 Returns a pair of (prim type, datasource) for the object at primPath.
HDSI_API SdfPathVector GetChildPrimPaths (const SdfPath &primPath) const override
 Returns the paths of all scene index prims located immediately below primPath.
- Public Member Functions inherited from HdSingleInputFilteringSceneIndexBase
HD_API std::vector< HdSceneIndexBaseRefPtr > GetInputScenes () const final
virtual std::vector< HdSceneIndexBaseRefPtr > GetInputScenes () const =0
- Public Member Functions inherited from HdSceneIndexBase
HD_API void AddObserver (const HdSceneIndexObserverPtr &observer)
 Adds an observer to this scene index.
HD_API void RemoveObserver (const HdSceneIndexObserverPtr &observer)
 Removes an observer from this scene index; the given observer will no longer be forwarded notices.
virtual HdSceneIndexPrim GetPrim (const SdfPath &primPath) const =0
 Returns a pair of (prim type, datasource) for the object at primPath.
virtual SdfPathVector GetChildPrimPaths (const SdfPath &primPath) const =0
 Returns the paths of all scene index prims located immediately below primPath.
HdDataSourceBaseHandle GetDataSource (const SdfPath &primPath, const HdDataSourceLocator &locator) const
 A convenience function: look up the object at primPath, and if successful return the datasource at locator within that prim.
HD_API void SystemMessage (const TfToken &messageType, const HdDataSourceBaseHandle &args)
 Sends a message with optional arguments to this and any upstream input scene indices.
HD_API std::string GetDisplayName () const
 Returns a value previously set by SetDisplayName.
HD_API void SetDisplayName (const std::string &n)
 Allows for scene index instances to be identified in a more contextually relevant way.
HD_API void AddTag (const TfToken &tag)
 Adds a specified tag token to a scene index instance.
HD_API void RemoveTag (const TfToken &tag)
 Removes a specified tag token to a scene index instance.
HD_API bool HasTag (const TfToken &tag) const
 Returns true if a specified tag token has been added to a scene index instance.
HD_API TfTokenVector GetTags () const
 Returns all tag tokens currently added to a scene index instance.
- Public Member Functions inherited from TfRefBase
 TfRefBase (TfRefBase const &)
TfRefBaseoperator= (TfRefBase const &)
size_t GetCurrentCount () const
 Return the current reference count of this object.
bool IsUnique () const
 Return true if only one TfRefPtr points to this object.
void SetShouldInvokeUniqueChangedListener (bool shouldCall)
- Public Member Functions inherited from TfWeakBase
 TfWeakBase (const TfWeakBase &)
const TfWeakBase__GetTfWeakBase__ () const
const TfWeakBaseoperator= (const TfWeakBase &)
void EnableNotification2 () const
TF_API void const * GetUniqueIdentifier () const

Static Public Member Functions

static HdsiCoordSysPrimSceneIndexRefPtr New (HdSceneIndexBaseRefPtr const &inputScene)
 Creates a new coord sys prim scene index.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from TfRefBase
static TF_API void SetUniqueChangedListener (UniqueChangedListener listener)

Protected Types

using _Bindings = std::vector< _Binding >
using _PrimToBindings = std::map< SdfPath, _Bindings >

Protected Member Functions

HDSI_API HdsiCoordSysPrimSceneIndex (HdSceneIndexBaseRefPtr const &inputScene)
void _PrimsAdded (const HdSceneIndexBase &sender, const HdSceneIndexObserver::AddedPrimEntries &entries) override
void _PrimsRemoved (const HdSceneIndexBase &sender, const HdSceneIndexObserver::RemovedPrimEntries &entries) override
void _PrimsDirtied (const HdSceneIndexBase &sender, const HdSceneIndexObserver::DirtiedPrimEntries &entries) override
void _AddBindingsForPrim (const SdfPath &primPath, SdfPathSet *addedCoordSysPrims=nullptr)
void _RemoveBindings (const _Bindings &bindings, SdfPathSet *removedCoordSysPrims)
void _RemoveBindingsForPrim (const SdfPath &primPath, SdfPathSet *removedCoordSysPrims)
void _RemoveBindingsForSubtree (const SdfPath &primPath, SdfPathSet *removedCoordSysPrims)
HdContainerDataSourceHandle _GetCoordSysPrimSource (const SdfPath &primPath) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from HdSingleInputFilteringSceneIndexBase
HD_API HdSingleInputFilteringSceneIndexBase (const HdSceneIndexBaseRefPtr &inputSceneIndex)
virtual void _PrimsAdded (const HdSceneIndexBase &sender, const HdSceneIndexObserver::AddedPrimEntries &entries)=0
virtual void _PrimsRemoved (const HdSceneIndexBase &sender, const HdSceneIndexObserver::RemovedPrimEntries &entries)=0
virtual void _PrimsDirtied (const HdSceneIndexBase &sender, const HdSceneIndexObserver::DirtiedPrimEntries &entries)=0
virtual HD_API void _PrimsRenamed (const HdSceneIndexBase &sender, const HdSceneIndexObserver::RenamedPrimEntries &entries)
const HdSceneIndexBaseRefPtr & _GetInputSceneIndex () const
 Returns the input scene.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from HdSceneIndexBase
HD_API void _SendPrimsAdded (const HdSceneIndexObserver::AddedPrimEntries &entries)
 Notify attached observers of prims added to the scene.
HD_API void _SendPrimsRemoved (const HdSceneIndexObserver::RemovedPrimEntries &entries)
 Notify attached observers of prims removed from the scene.
HD_API void _SendPrimsDirtied (const HdSceneIndexObserver::DirtiedPrimEntries &entries)
 Notify attached observers of datasource invalidations from the scene.
HD_API void _SendPrimsRenamed (const HdSceneIndexObserver::RenamedPrimEntries &entries)
 Notify attached observers of prims (and their descendents) which have been renamed or reparented.
HD_API bool _IsObserved () const
 Returns whether the scene index has any registered observers; this information can be used to skip work preparing notices when there are no observers.
virtual HD_API void _SystemMessage (const TfToken &messageType, const HdDataSourceBaseHandle &args)
 Implement in order to react directly to system messages sent from downstream.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from TfWeakBase
TfRefPtr< Tf_Remnant > _Register () const
template<class T >
TfRefPtr< Tf_Remnant > _Register (T *tempRmnt) const
bool _HasRemnant () const

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from TfRefBase
typedef void(* UniqueChangedFuncPtr) (TfRefBase const *, bool)

Detailed Description

If prim P has a coord sys binding FOO to another prim Q, the scene index will add a coord sys prim Q.__coordSys:FOO under Q.

It will rewrite the coord sys binding on P to point to Q.__coordSys:FOO and use Q's xform data source for Q.__coordSys:FOO.

Motivation: USD allows for a coord sys binding to target any xformable prim. Some render delegates, however, only allow a coord sys binding to point to a prim of type coord sys. This scene index is creating prim's of that type for such render delegates.

For compatibility with the UsdImagingDelegate which is already adding a coord sys prim under Q itself using a property path, we ignore coord sys bindings to paths which are not prim paths.

An example:

Input to scene index:

/MyXform dataSource: xform: [ some xform ] /MyPrim dataSource: coordSysBinding: FOO: /MyXform

Will be transformed to:

/MyXform dataSource: xform: [ some xform ] /MyXform.__coordSys:FOO dataSource: coordSys: name: FOO xform: [ as above ] /MyPrim dataSource: coordSysBinding: FOO: /MyXform.__coordSys:FOO

Definition at line 79 of file coordSysPrimSceneIndex.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ _Bindings

using _Bindings = std::vector<_Binding>

Definition at line 122 of file coordSysPrimSceneIndex.h.

◆ _PrimToBindings

using _PrimToBindings = std::map<SdfPath, _Bindings>

Definition at line 123 of file coordSysPrimSceneIndex.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ _PrimsAdded()

void _PrimsAdded ( const HdSceneIndexBase sender,
const HdSceneIndexObserver::AddedPrimEntries entries 

◆ _PrimsDirtied()

void _PrimsDirtied ( const HdSceneIndexBase sender,
const HdSceneIndexObserver::DirtiedPrimEntries entries 

◆ _PrimsRemoved()

void _PrimsRemoved ( const HdSceneIndexBase sender,
const HdSceneIndexObserver::RemovedPrimEntries entries 

◆ GetChildPrimPaths()

HDSI_API SdfPathVector GetChildPrimPaths ( const SdfPath primPath) const

Returns the paths of all scene index prims located immediately below primPath.

This function can be used to traverse the scene by recursing from SdfPath::AbsoluteRootPath(); such a traversal is expected to give the same set of prims as the flattening of the scene index's PrimsAdded and PrimsRemoved messages. This function is expected to be threadsafe.

Implements HdSceneIndexBase.

◆ GetPrim()

HDSI_API HdSceneIndexPrim GetPrim ( const SdfPath primPath) const

Returns a pair of (prim type, datasource) for the object at primPath.

If no such object exists, the type will be the empty token and the datasource will be null. This function is expected to be threadsafe.

Implements HdSceneIndexBase.

◆ New()

static HdsiCoordSysPrimSceneIndexRefPtr New ( HdSceneIndexBaseRefPtr const &  inputScene)

Creates a new coord sys prim scene index.

Definition at line 85 of file coordSysPrimSceneIndex.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: