No Matches
UsdAppUtils: USD Application Utilities


UsdAppUtils contains a number of utilities and common functionality for applications that view and/or record images of USD stages.

There are a handful of modules provided for adding common and consistent command-line arguments to tools that operate on USD:

  • cameraArgs allows adding arguments for specifying the camera to operate on.
  • colorArgs allows adding arguments for setting the type of color correction to be applied when generating images using Hydra.
  • complexityArgs allows adding arguments for specifying the level of refinement to use for the geometry being displayed.
  • framesArgs allows adding arguments for specifying which frames the application should operate on. This module also provides support for working with Frame Format Strings.
  • rendererArgs allows adding arguments for specifying which renderer plugin to use when generating images using Hydra.

Frame Format Strings

A frame format string is a string that is expected to vary with time and contains a frame placeholder that should be replaced with actual frame numbers, producing a complete, formatted frame string.

A frame placeholder must be composed of exactly one or two groups of one or more hashes ('#'), and if there are two, they must be separated by a dot ('.').

The hashes after the dot indicate the floating point precision to use in the frame numbers inserted into the frame format string. If there is only a single group of hashes, the precision is zero and the inserted frame numbers will be integer values.

The overall width of the frame placeholder specifies the minimum width to use when inserting frame numbers into the frame format string. Formatted frame numbers smaller than the minimum width will be zero-padded on the left until they reach the minimum width.

For example, the frame format string 'image.#.exr' over the frame range from 101 to 103 would result in the following formatted frame strings:


The frame format string 'image.###.#.exr' over the frame range from 1 to 3 would result in the following formatted frame strings:
