Referencing Layers

This tutorial walks you through referencing the stage that we created in the previous tutorials into a new stage. The HelloWorld.usda that we will use as our starting point and all the code for this exercise is in the extras/usd/tutorials/referencingLayers folder.

  1. Author the defaultPrim metadata on the layer that you want to reference. This is the name of the root prim that will be referenced. If it is not authored here, then the referencing client must specify the root prim path it wants from the referenced layer. We also want to author a transformation on the default root prim, so that we can override it later; to do this we use the UsdGeomXformCommonAPI schema, which we will discuss further, later.

    from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom
    stage = Usd.Stage.Open('HelloWorld.usda')
    hello = stage.GetPrimAtPath('/hello')
    UsdGeom.XformCommonAPI(hello).SetTranslate((4, 5, 6))


    #usda 1.0
        defaultPrim = "hello"
    def Xform "hello"
        double3 xformOp:translate = (4, 5, 6)
        uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate"]
        def Sphere "world"
            float3[] extent = [(-2, -2, -2), (2, 2, 2)]
            color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0, 0, 1)]
            double radius = 2
  2. Now let’s create a new stage to reference in HelloWorld.usda and create an override prim to contain the reference.

    refStage = Usd.Stage.CreateNew('RefExample.usda')
    refSphere = refStage.OverridePrim('/refSphere')


    #usda 1.0
    over "refSphere"

    All of the previous prims we had created are def s , which are concrete prims that appear in standard scenegraph traversals (i.e. by clients performing imaging, or importing the stage into another DCC application). By contrast, an over can be thought of as containing a set of speculative opinions that are applied over any concrete prims that may be defined in other layers at the corresponding namespace location in a composed stage. Overs can contain opinions for any property, metadata, or prim composition operators. For example, an over can non-destructively express a different opinion for the transform and displayColor attributes above.

  3. Let’s reference in the stage from HelloWorld.



    #usda 1.0
    over "refSphere" (
        prepend references = @./HelloWorld.usda@

    Asset Path Resolver and File Format Plugins

    In this example we use a filename to reference the layer. In practice, the layer identifier passed to Usd.References.AddReference() can be any string that a path resolver plugin can resolve and a scene description file format plugin would process to populate the actual scene description. USD supports user-implementable asset path resolver and file format plugins to allow site-specific customization and pipeline integration. USD does not require that layers be files on disk. See the Ar library documentation for more about asset resolvers, and see the code in USD/extras/usd/examples/usdObj/ for an example file format plugin.

    Note that since we authored defaultPrim in HelloWorld.usda, we only need to specify the root layer we want to reference, and it is inferred that we will be bringing in the scenegraph contents rooted at /hello into our /refSphere.

    Running usdview on the exported RefExample.usda shows the composed result.

    If it were unselected in the namespace browser, usdview would show /refSphere in orange to indicate that it is a referencing point on our stage. Our screenshot shows refSphere’s row selected, however, to show both what our overridden transformation looks like as attributes, and to note in the Meta Data inspector that the reference and its target are listed. Note also that there is no prim named “hello” since it has been referenced into /refSphere.

  4. Let’s reset the transform on our over to the identity.

    refXform = UsdGeom.Xformable(refSphere)


    #usda 1.0
    over "refSphere" (
        prepend references = @./HelloWorld.usda@
        uniform token[] xformOpOrder = []

    What Just Happened?

    The UsdGeomXformable schema is component-based, allowing you to specify a single 4x4 matrix, or an unlimited sequence of translate, rotate, scale, matrix, and (quaternion) orientation “ops”. Each xformable prim has a builtin xformOpOrder attribute that specifies the order in which the ops are applied. By explicitly setting the ordering to an empty list as in:


    we are telling the schema to ignore any ops, even if authored, effectively setting the transformation to the identity. We could also have explicitly authored an identity matrix, or set all existing, composed op attributes to their identity values. For a complete explanation of Xformable and XformOps, please see the API documentation for UsdGeomXformable

  5. Reference in another HelloWorld.

    refSphere2 = refStage.OverridePrim('/refSphere2')


    #usda 1.0
    over "refSphere" (
        prepend references = @./HelloWorld.usda@
        uniform token[] xformOpOrder = []
    over "refSphere2" (
        prepend references = @./HelloWorld.usda@

    We can see that our over has been applied to move the first sphere to the origin, while the second sphere is still translated by (4, 5, 6).

  6. Of course, overs can be authored for the actual sphere prims underneath the reference as well. Let’s color our second sphere red.

    overSphere = UsdGeom.Sphere.Get(refStage, '/refSphere2/world')
    overSphere.GetDisplayColorAttr().Set( [(1, 0, 0)] )

    Note that we don’t need to call OverridePrim again because /refSphere2/world already has a presence in the composed scenegraph. USD automatically creates an over when Usd.Attribute.Set() is called if one doesn’t already exist for that prim in the current authoring layer.

    #usda 1.0
    over "refSphere" (
        prepend references = @./HelloWorld.usda@
        uniform token[] xformOpOrder = []
    over "refSphere2" (
        prepend references = @./HelloWorld.usda@
        over "world"
            color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 0, 0)]
  7. We can also flatten the composed results. All of the scene description listings above were of the stage’s root layer, where we performed our authoring. Calling ExportToString() or Export() on the UsdStage itself, will print or save out flattened scene description, respectively.


    The term flattening generally means producing a single Layer of scene description that contains the final “composed data” from a set of composed layers, and retains no composition operators such as references, payloads, inherits, variants, sublayers, and activations (except references generated in order to preserve scene graph instancing). UsdStage::Flatten flattens an entire stage and is used by Export() and ExportToString(). USD also supports flattening individual layer stacks. See UsdFlattenLayerStack.

    #usda 1.0
        doc = """Generated from Composed Stage of root layer RefExample.usda
    def Xform "refSphere"
        double3 xformOp:translate = (4, 5, 6)
        uniform token[] xformOpOrder = []
        def Sphere "world"
            float3[] extent = [(-2, -2, -2), (2, 2, 2)]
            color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0, 0, 1)]
            double radius = 2
    def Xform "refSphere2"
        double3 xformOp:translate = (4, 5, 6)
        uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:translate"]
        def Sphere "world"
            float3[] extent = [(-2, -2, -2), (2, 2, 2)]
            color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(1, 0, 0)]
            double radius = 2