Papers by Eric Froemling

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Simulating Whitewater Rapids in Ratatouille

Eric Froemling, Tolga Goktekin, Darwyn Peachey
May 2007

In Pixar's Ratatouille, a key story point involves a rat being swept through the sewers of Paris, plummeting down waterfalls and along steeply sloping tunnels, through a series of high-speed S- bends which cause the torrent of water to bank up sharply on each turn. Bringing ... [more]

Available as Pixar Technical Memo #07-03

Chop It Up! Animation-Driven Modeling, Simulation, and Shading in the Kitchen

Patrick Coleman, Eric Froemling
May 2007

In Disney/Pixar's Ratatouille, the creation of believable cooking environments with all their complexity has been an important element in presenting a rich world that helps draw the audience into the story. Part of that complexity arises in the preparation of food before cooking. To create complex animations of food in preparation, we designed a system ... [more]

Available as Pixar Technical Memo #07-13