Papers by Ralf Habel

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Photon Beam Diffusion: A Hybrid Monte Carlo Method for Subsurface Scattering

Ralf Habel, Per H. Christensen, Wojciech Jarosz
June 2013

We present photon beam diffusion, an efficient numerical method for accurately rendering translucent materials. Our approach interprets incident light as a continuous beam of photons inside the material. Numerically integrating diffusion from such extended sources has long been assumed computationally prohibitive, leading to the ubiquitous single-depth dipole approximation and the recent analytic sum-of-Gaussians approach employed ... [more]

Additional materials: [], [supplemental-theory.pdf]

Published in Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of the Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2013), volume 32, number 4. Eurographics / Blackwell Publishers, June 2013. (Zaragoza, Spain, June 19-21.). Equation 13 amended July 2013.