Papers by Davide Pesare

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Stylizing Animation By Example

Pierre Benard, Forrester Cole, Michael Kass, Igor Mordatch, James Hegarty, Martin Sebastian Senn, Kurt Fleischer, Davide Pesare, Katherine Breeden
April 2013

Skilled artists, using traditional media or modern computer painting tools, can create a variety of expressive styles that are very appealing in still images, but have been unsuitable for animation. The key difficulty is that existing techniques lack adequate temporal coherence to animate these styles effectively. Here we augment the ... [more]

Additional materials: [ComputerGraphicsWorldArticle.pdf], [PaintTweenDistro.tgz], [PaintTweenWorkingSets.tgz], [], []

Available in the proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2013.

Available as Pixar Technical Memo #13-03

Coherent Noise for Non-Photorealistic Rendering

Michael Kass, Davide Pesare
July 2011

A wide variety of non-photorealistic rendering techniques make use of random variation in the placement or appearance of primitives. In order to avoid the "shower-door" effect, this random variation should move with the objects in the scene. Here we present coherent noise tailored to this purpose. We compute the coherent ... [more]

Available in the Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2011