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1 //
2 // Copyright 2014 DreamWorks Animation LLC.
3 //
4 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
5 // with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
6 // compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
7 // Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
8 //
9 // 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
10 // names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
11 // and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
12 // the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
13 //
14 // You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
15 //
16 //
17 //
18 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
19 // distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
21 // KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
22 // language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
23 //
27 #include "../version.h"
29 #include "../far/topologyRefiner.h"
30 #include "../far/error.h"
32 #include <cassert>
34 namespace OpenSubdiv {
37 namespace Far {
46 //
48 protected:
50  //
51  // Protected methods invoked by the subclass template to verify and process each
52  // stage of construction implemented by the subclass:
53  //
56  static bool prepareComponentTopologySizing(TopologyRefiner& refiner);
57  static bool prepareComponentTopologyAssignment(TopologyRefiner& refiner, bool fullValidation,
58  TopologyCallback callback, void const * callbackData);
60  static bool prepareFaceVaryingChannels(TopologyRefiner& refiner);
61 };
77 template <class MESH>
80 public:
84  struct Options {
87  schemeType(sdcType),
88  schemeOptions(sdcOptions),
89  validateFullTopology(false) { }
93  unsigned int validateFullTopology : 1;
95  };
108  //
113  static TopologyRefiner* Create(MESH const& mesh, Options options = Options());
128  static TopologyRefiner* Create(TopologyRefiner const & baseLevel);
130 protected:
151  static bool resizeComponentTopology(TopologyRefiner& newRefiner, MESH const& mesh);
155  static bool assignComponentTopology(TopologyRefiner& newRefiner, MESH const& mesh);
158  static bool assignComponentTags(TopologyRefiner& newRefiner, MESH const& mesh);
161  static bool assignFaceVaryingTopology(TopologyRefiner& newRefiner, MESH const& mesh);
164  static void reportInvalidTopology(TopologyError errCode, char const * msg, MESH const& mesh);
168 protected:
189  static void setNumBaseVertices(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, int count);
192  static void setNumBaseFaces(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, int count);
195  static void setNumBaseEdges(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, int count);
198  static void setNumBaseFaceVertices(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index f, int count);
201  static void setNumBaseEdgeFaces(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index e, int count);
204  static void setNumBaseVertexFaces(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index v, int count);
207  static void setNumBaseVertexEdges(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index v, int count);
209  static int getNumBaseVertices(TopologyRefiner const & newRefiner);
210  static int getNumBaseFaces(TopologyRefiner const & newRefiner);
211  static int getNumBaseEdges(TopologyRefiner const & newRefiner);
239  static IndexArray getBaseFaceVertices(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index f);
242  static IndexArray getBaseFaceEdges(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index f);
245  static IndexArray getBaseEdgeVertices(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index e);
248  static IndexArray getBaseEdgeFaces(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index e);
251  static IndexArray getBaseVertexFaces(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index v);
254  static IndexArray getBaseVertexEdges(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index v);
264  static void populateBaseLocalIndices(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner);
267  static void setBaseEdgeNonManifold(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index e, bool b);
270  static void setBaseVertexNonManifold(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index v, bool b);
285  static Index findBaseEdge(TopologyRefiner const & newRefiner, Index v0, Index v1);
288  static void setBaseEdgeSharpness(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index e, float sharpness);
291  static void setBaseVertexSharpness(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index v, float sharpness);
294  static void setBaseFaceHole(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index f, bool isHole);
310  static int createBaseFVarChannel(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, int numValues);
313  static int createBaseFVarChannel(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, int numValues, Sdc::Options const& fvarOptions);
316  static IndexArray getBaseFaceFVarValues(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, Index face, int channel = 0);
320 protected:
321  //
322  // Not to be specialized:
323  //
324  static bool populateBaseLevel(TopologyRefiner& refiner, MESH const& mesh, Options options);
325 };
328 //
329 // Generic implementations:
330 //
331 template <class MESH>
333 TopologyRefinerFactory<MESH>::Create(MESH const& mesh, Options options) {
335  TopologyRefiner * refiner = new TopologyRefiner(options.schemeType, options.schemeOptions);
337  if (! populateBaseLevel(*refiner, mesh, options)) {
338  delete refiner;
339  return 0;
340  }
342  // Eventually want to move the Refiner's inventory initialization here. Currently it
343  // is handled after topology assignment, but if the inventory is to include additional
344  // features (e.g. holes, etc.) it is better off deferred to here.
346  return refiner;
347 }
349 template <class MESH>
353  return new TopologyRefiner(source);
354 }
356 template <class MESH>
357 bool
360  //
361  // Construction of a specialized topology refiner involves four steps, each of which
362  // involves a method specialized for MESH followed by one that takes an action in
363  // response to it or in preparation for the next step.
364  //
365  // Both the specialized methods and those that follow them may find fault in the
366  // construction and trigger failure at any time:
367  //
369  //
370  // Sizing of the topology -- this is a required specialization for MESH. This defines
371  // an inventory of all components and their relations that is used to allocate buffers
372  // to be efficiently populated in the subsequent topology assignment step.
373  //
374  if (! resizeComponentTopology(refiner, mesh)) return false;
375  if (! prepareComponentTopologySizing(refiner)) return false;
377  //
378  // Assignment of the topology -- this is a required specialization for MESH. If edges
379  // are specified, all other topological relations are expected to be defined for them.
380  // Otherwise edges and remaining topology will be completed from the face-vertices:
381  //
382  bool validate = options.validateFullTopology;
383  TopologyCallback callback = reinterpret_cast<TopologyCallback>(reportInvalidTopology);
384  void const * userData = &mesh;
386  if (! assignComponentTopology(refiner, mesh)) return false;
387  if (! prepareComponentTopologyAssignment(refiner, validate, callback, userData)) return false;
389  //
390  // User assigned and internal tagging of components -- an optional specialization for
391  // MESH. Allows the specification of sharpness values, holes, etc.
392  //
393  if (! assignComponentTags(refiner, mesh)) return false;
394  if (! prepareComponentTagsAndSharpness(refiner)) return false;
396  //
397  // Defining channels of face-varying primvar data -- an optional specialization for MESH.
398  //
399  if (! assignFaceVaryingTopology(refiner, mesh)) return false;
400  if (! prepareFaceVaryingChannels(refiner)) return false;
402  return true;
403 }
405 template <class MESH>
406 inline void
408  newRefiner._levels[0]->resizeFaces(count);
409 }
410 template <class MESH>
411 inline void
413  newRefiner._levels[0]->resizeEdges(count);
414 }
415 template <class MESH>
416 inline void
418  newRefiner._levels[0]->resizeVertices(count);
419 }
421 template <class MESH>
422 inline int
424  return newRefiner._levels[0]->getNumFaces();
425 }
426 template <class MESH>
427 inline int
429  return newRefiner._levels[0]->getNumEdges();
430 }
431 template <class MESH>
432 inline int
434  return newRefiner._levels[0]->getNumVertices();
435 }
437 template <class MESH>
438 inline void
440  newRefiner._levels[0]->resizeFaceVertices(f, count);
441  newRefiner._hasIrregFaces |= (count != newRefiner._regFaceSize);
442 }
443 template <class MESH>
444 inline void
446  newRefiner._levels[0]->resizeEdgeFaces(e, count);
447 }
448 template <class MESH>
449 inline void
451  newRefiner._levels[0]->resizeVertexFaces(v, count);
452 }
453 template <class MESH>
454 inline void
456  newRefiner._levels[0]->resizeVertexEdges(v, count);
457 }
459 template <class MESH>
460 inline IndexArray
462  return newRefiner._levels[0]->getFaceVertices(f);
463 }
464 template <class MESH>
465 inline IndexArray
467  return newRefiner._levels[0]->getFaceEdges(f);
468 }
469 template <class MESH>
470 inline IndexArray
472  return newRefiner._levels[0]->getEdgeVertices(e);
473 }
474 template <class MESH>
475 inline IndexArray
477  return newRefiner._levels[0]->getEdgeFaces(e);
478 }
479 template <class MESH>
480 inline IndexArray
482  return newRefiner._levels[0]->getVertexFaces(v);
483 }
484 template <class MESH>
485 inline IndexArray
487  return newRefiner._levels[0]->getVertexEdges(v);
488 }
490 template <class MESH>
491 inline LocalIndexArray
493  return newRefiner._levels[0]->getEdgeFaceLocalIndices(e);
494 }
495 template <class MESH>
496 inline LocalIndexArray
498  return newRefiner._levels[0]->getVertexFaceLocalIndices(v);
499 }
500 template <class MESH>
501 inline LocalIndexArray
503  return newRefiner._levels[0]->getVertexEdgeLocalIndices(v);
504 }
506 template <class MESH>
507 inline Index
509  return newRefiner._levels[0]->findEdge(v0, v1);
510 }
512 template <class MESH>
513 inline void
515  newRefiner._levels[0]->populateLocalIndices();
516 }
518 template <class MESH>
519 inline void
521  newRefiner._levels[0]->setEdgeNonManifold(e, b);
522 }
523 template <class MESH>
524 inline void
526  newRefiner._levels[0]->setVertexNonManifold(v, b);
527 }
529 template <class MESH>
530 inline void
532  newRefiner._levels[0]->getEdgeSharpness(e) = s;
533 }
534 template <class MESH>
535 inline void
537  newRefiner._levels[0]->getVertexSharpness(v) = s;
538 }
539 template <class MESH>
540 inline void
542  newRefiner._levels[0]->setFaceHole(f, b);
543  newRefiner._hasHoles |= b;
544 }
546 template <class MESH>
547 inline int
549  return newRefiner._levels[0]->createFVarChannel(numValues, newRefiner._subdivOptions);
550 }
551 template <class MESH>
552 inline int
553 TopologyRefinerFactory<MESH>::createBaseFVarChannel(TopologyRefiner & newRefiner, int numValues, Sdc::Options const& fvarOptions) {
554  Sdc::Options newOptions = newRefiner._subdivOptions;
555  newOptions.SetFVarLinearInterpolation(fvarOptions.GetFVarLinearInterpolation());
556  return newRefiner._levels[0]->createFVarChannel(numValues, newOptions);
557 }
558 template <class MESH>
559 inline IndexArray
561  return newRefiner._levels[0]->getFaceFVarValues(face, channel);
562 }
565 template <class MESH>
566 bool
570  "Failure in TopologyRefinerFactory<>::resizeComponentTopology() -- no specialization provided.");
572  //
573  // Sizing the topology tables:
574  // This method is for determining the sizes of the various topology tables (and other
575  // data) associated with the mesh. Once completed, appropriate memory will be allocated
576  // and an additional method invoked to populate it accordingly.
577  //
578  // The following methods should be called -- first those to specify the number of faces,
579  // edges and vertices in the mesh:
580  //
581  // void setBaseFaceCount( TopologyRefiner& newRefiner, int count)
582  // void setBaseEdgeCount( TopologyRefiner& newRefiner, int count)
583  // void setBaseVertexCount(TopologyRefiner& newRefiner, int count)
584  //
585  // and then for each face, edge and vertex, the number of its incident components:
586  //
587  // void setBaseFaceVertexCount(TopologyRefiner& newRefiner, Index face, int count)
588  // void setBaseEdgeFaceCount( TopologyRefiner& newRefiner, Index edge, int count)
589  // void setBaseVertexFaceCount(TopologyRefiner& newRefiner, Index vertex, int count)
590  // void setBaseVertexEdgeCount(TopologyRefiner& newRefiner, Index vertex, int count)
591  //
592  // The count/size for a component type must be set before indices associated with that
593  // component type can be used.
594  //
595  // Note that it is only necessary to size 4 of the 6 supported topological relations --
596  // the number of edge-vertices is fixed at two per edge, and the number of face-edges is
597  // the same as the number of face-vertices.
598  //
599  // So a single pass through your mesh to gather up all of this sizing information will
600  // allow the Tables to be allocated appropriately once and avoid any dynamic resizing as
601  // it grows.
602  //
603  return false;
604 }
606 template <class MESH>
607 bool
611  "Failure in TopologyRefinerFactory<>::assignComponentTopology() -- no specialization provided.");
613  //
614  // Assigning the topology tables:
615  // Once the topology tables have been allocated, the six required topological
616  // relations can be directly populated using the following methods:
617  //
618  // IndexArray setBaseFaceVertices(TopologyRefiner& newRefiner, Index face)
619  // IndexArray setBaseFaceEdges(TopologyRefiner& newRefiner, Index face)
620  //
621  // IndexArray setBaseEdgeVertices(TopologyRefiner& newRefiner, Index edge)
622  // IndexArray setBaseEdgeFaces(TopologyRefiner& newRefiner, Index edge)
623  //
624  // IndexArray setBaseVertexEdges(TopologyRefiner& newRefiner, Index vertex)
625  // IndexArray setBaseVertexFaces(TopologyRefiner& newRefiner, Index vertex)
626  //
627  // For the last two relations -- the faces and edges incident a vertex -- there are
628  // also "local indices" that must be specified (considering doing this internally),
629  // where the "local index" of each incident face or edge is the index of the vertex
630  // within that face or edge, and so ranging from 0-3 for incident quads and 0-1 for
631  // incident edges. These are assigned through similarly retrieved arrays:
632  //
633  // LocalIndexArray setBaseVertexFaceLocalIndices(TopologyRefiner& newRefiner, Index vertex)
634  // LocalIndexArray setBaseVertexEdgeLocalIndices(TopologyRefiner& newRefiner, Index vertex)
635  // LocalIndexArray setBaseEdgeFaceLocalIndices( TopologyRefiner& newRefiner, Index edge)
636  //
637  // or, if the mesh is manifold, explicit assignment of these can be deferred and
638  // all can be determined by calling:
639  //
640  // void populateBaseLocalIndices(TopologyRefiner& newRefiner)
641  //
642  // All components are assumed to be locally manifold and ordering of components in
643  // the above relations is expected to be counter-clockwise.
644  //
645  // For non-manifold components, no ordering/orientation of incident components is
646  // assumed or required, but be sure to explicitly tag such components (vertices and
647  // edges) as non-manifold:
648  //
649  // void setBaseEdgeNonManifold(TopologyRefiner& newRefiner, Index edge, bool b);
650  //
651  // void setBaseVertexNonManifold(TopologyRefiner& newRefiner, Index vertex, bool b);
652  //
653  // Also consider using TopologyLevel::ValidateTopology() when debugging to ensure
654  // that topology has been completely and correctly specified.
655  //
656  return false;
657 }
659 template <class MESH>
660 bool
663  //
664  // Optional assigning face-varying topology tables:
665  //
666  // Create independent face-varying primitive variable channels:
667  // int createBaseFVarChannel(TopologyRefiner& newRefiner, int numValues)
668  //
669  // For each channel, populate the face-vertex values:
670  // IndexArray setBaseFaceFVarValues(TopologyRefiner& newRefiner, Index face, int channel = 0)
671  //
672  return true;
673 }
675 template <class MESH>
676 bool
679  //
680  // Optional tagging:
681  // This is where any additional feature tags -- sharpness, holes, etc. -- can be
682  // specified using:
683  //
684  // void setBaseEdgeSharpness(TopologyRefiner& newRefiner, Index edge, float sharpness)
685  // void setBaseVertexSharpness(TopologyRefiner& newRefiner, Index vertex, float sharpness)
686  //
687  // void setBaseFaceHole(TopologyRefiner& newRefiner, Index face, bool hole)
688  //
689  return true;
690 }
692 template <class MESH>
693 void
695  TopologyError /* errCode */, char const * /* msg */, MESH const& /* mesh */) {
697  //
698  // Optional topology validation error reporting:
699  // This method is called whenever the factory encounters topology validation
700  // errors. By default, nothing is reported
701  //
702 }
704 } // end namespace Far
706 } // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
707 using namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION;
708 } // end namespace OpenSubdiv
static bool prepareComponentTagsAndSharpness(TopologyRefiner &refiner)
static bool assignComponentTopology(TopologyRefiner &newRefiner, MESH const &mesh)
Specify the relationships between vertices, faces, etc. ie the face-vertices, vertex-faces, edge-vertices, etc.
static void setBaseFaceHole(TopologyRefiner &newRefiner, Index f, bool isHole)
Tag a face as a hole.
static void setNumBaseFaces(TopologyRefiner &newRefiner, int count)
Specify the number of faces to be accommodated.
static IndexArray getBaseEdgeVertices(TopologyRefiner &newRefiner, Index e)
Assign the vertices incident each edge.
static LocalIndexArray getBaseVertexEdgeLocalIndices(TopologyRefiner &newRefiner, Index v)
Assign the local indices of a vertex within each of its incident edges.
static bool populateBaseLevel(TopologyRefiner &refiner, MESH const &mesh, Options options)
Private base class of Factories for constructing TopologyRefiners.
static IndexArray getBaseEdgeFaces(TopologyRefiner &newRefiner, Index e)
Assign the faces incident each edge.
static int getNumBaseEdges(TopologyRefiner const &newRefiner)
static void setNumBaseVertexFaces(TopologyRefiner &newRefiner, Index v, int count)
Specify the number of faces incident each vertex.
static int getNumBaseVertices(TopologyRefiner const &newRefiner)
static int getNumBaseFaces(TopologyRefiner const &newRefiner)
Issue a generic runtime error, but continue execution.
Definition: error.h:40
static IndexArray getBaseFaceEdges(TopologyRefiner &newRefiner, Index f)
Assign the edges incident each face.
static bool assignComponentTags(TopologyRefiner &newRefiner, MESH const &mesh)
(Optional) Specify edge or vertex sharpness or face holes
Stores topology data for a specified set of refinement options.
static TopologyRefiner * Create(MESH const &mesh, Options options=Options())
Instantiates a TopologyRefiner from client-provided topological representation.
static void populateBaseLocalIndices(TopologyRefiner &newRefiner)
Determine all local indices by inspection (only for pure manifold meshes)
static bool resizeComponentTopology(TopologyRefiner &newRefiner, MESH const &mesh)
Specify the number of vertices, faces, face-vertices, etc.
static void setNumBaseVertexEdges(TopologyRefiner &newRefiner, Index v, int count)
Specify the number of edges incident each vertex.
static void setBaseVertexSharpness(TopologyRefiner &newRefiner, Index v, float sharpness)
Assign a sharpness value to a given vertex.
void(* ValidationCallback)(TopologyError errCode, char const *msg, void const *clientData)
Definition: level.h:303
static IndexArray getBaseFaceVertices(TopologyRefiner &newRefiner, Index f)
Assign the vertices incident each face.
static void setNumBaseEdgeFaces(TopologyRefiner &newRefiner, Index e, int count)
Specify the number of faces incident each edge.
static void setBaseVertexNonManifold(TopologyRefiner &newRefiner, Index v, bool b)
Tag a vertex as non-manifold.
Factory for constructing TopologyRefiners from specific mesh classes.
static void setNumBaseVertices(TopologyRefiner &newRefiner, int count)
Specify the number of vertices to be accommodated.
static void setNumBaseEdges(TopologyRefiner &newRefiner, int count)
Specify the number of edges to be accommodated.
static IndexArray getBaseFaceFVarValues(TopologyRefiner &newRefiner, Index face, int channel=0)
Assign the face-varying values for the corners of each face.
static IndexArray getBaseVertexFaces(TopologyRefiner &newRefiner, Index v)
Assign the faces incident each vertex.
static int createBaseFVarChannel(TopologyRefiner &newRefiner, int numValues)
Create a new face-varying channel with the given number of values.
All supported options applying to subdivision scheme.
Definition: options.h:51
static LocalIndexArray getBaseVertexFaceLocalIndices(TopologyRefiner &newRefiner, Index v)
Assign the local indices of a vertex within each of its incident faces.
FVarLinearInterpolation GetFVarLinearInterpolation() const
Get face-varying interpolation rule.
Definition: options.h:93
Sdc::SchemeType schemeType
The subdivision scheme type identifier.
void Error(ErrorType err, const char *format,...)
Sends an OSD error with a message (internal use only)
static void setBaseEdgeSharpness(TopologyRefiner &newRefiner, Index e, float sharpness)
Assign a sharpness value to a given edge.
static void setNumBaseFaceVertices(TopologyRefiner &newRefiner, Index f, int count)
Specify the number of vertices incident each face.
Enumerated type for all subdivision schemes supported by OpenSubdiv.
Definition: types.h:37
static bool assignFaceVaryingTopology(TopologyRefiner &newRefiner, MESH const &mesh)
(Optional) Specify face-varying data per face
static bool prepareComponentTopologyAssignment(TopologyRefiner &refiner, bool fullValidation, TopologyCallback callback, void const *callbackData)
Options related to the construction of each TopologyRefiner.
static void setBaseEdgeNonManifold(TopologyRefiner &newRefiner, Index e, bool b)
Tag an edge as non-manifold.
static bool prepareFaceVaryingChannels(TopologyRefiner &refiner)
static LocalIndexArray getBaseEdgeFaceLocalIndices(TopologyRefiner &newRefiner, Index e)
Assign the local indices of an edge within each of its incident faces.
static void reportInvalidTopology(TopologyError errCode, char const *msg, MESH const &mesh)
(Optional) Control run-time topology validation and error reporting
Options(Sdc::SchemeType sdcType=Sdc::SCHEME_CATMARK, Sdc::Options sdcOptions=Sdc::Options())
void SetFVarLinearInterpolation(FVarLinearInterpolation b)
Set face-varying interpolation rule.
Definition: options.h:96
static IndexArray getBaseVertexEdges(TopologyRefiner &newRefiner, Index v)
Assign the edges incident each vertex.
static Index findBaseEdge(TopologyRefiner const &newRefiner, Index v0, Index v1)
Identify an edge to be assigned a sharpness value given a vertex pair.
static bool prepareComponentTopologySizing(TopologyRefiner &refiner)