Papers by Lena Petrovic

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Volumetric Methods for Simulation and Rendering of Hair

Lena Petrovic, Mark Henne, John Anderson
January 2005

Hair is one of the crucial elements in representing believable digital humans. It is one of the most challenging elements, too, due to the large number of hairs on a human head, their length, and their complex interactions. Hair appearance, in rendering and simulation, is ... more

Paper (PDF)

Additional materials: [clip1.mp4], [clip2.mp4], [clip3.mp4], [clip4.mp4], [clip5.mp4], [clip6.mp4]

Available as Pixar Technical Memo #06-08

Artistic Simulation of Curly Hair

Hayley Iben, Mark Meyer, Lena Petrovic, Olivier Soares, John Anderson, Andrew Witkin
July 2013

Artistic simulation of hair presents many challenges - ranging from incorporating artistic control to dealing with extreme motions of characters. Additionally, in a production environment, the simulation needs to be fast and results need to be usable "out of the box" (without extensive parameter modifications) in order to produce ... more

Paper (PDF)

Additional materials: []

Available in the Proceedings of the Symposium on Computer Animation 2013.

Available as Pixar Technical Memo #12-03b

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