Papers by Stephen Mann

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Computing Values and Derivatives of Bezier and B-spline Tensor Products

Stephen Mann, Tony D. DeRose
February 1995

We give an efficient algorithm for evaluating Bezier and B-spline tensor products for both positions and normals. The algorithm is an extension of a method for computing the position and tangent to a Bezier curve, and is asymptotically twice as fast as the standard bilinear algorithm.

Available in CAGD, Vol 12, No. 1.

Functional composition algorithms via blossoming

Tony D. DeRose, Ronald N. Goldman, Hans Hagen, Stephen Mann
April 1993

In view of the fundamental role that functional composition plays in mathematics, it is not surprising that a variety of problems in geometric modeling can be viewed as instances of the following composition problem: given representations for two functions F and G, compute a representation of the function H = F o G. We ... [more]

Available in Transactions on Graphics, Vol 12, No 2, April 1993.