Papers by Ryusuke Villemin

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Physically Based Lighting at Pixar

Christophe Hery, Ryusuke Villemin
July 2013

We recently participated in the Siggraph 2013 Physically Based Shading course, with all notes and documents stored at We provide here direct access to our own chapter, describing the Physically Based System we designed at Pixar (on top of RenderMan) for the movie Monsters University and the short film ... [more]

Multiple Importance Sampling for Emissive Effects

Ryusuke Villemin, Christophe Hery
January 2013

We present a method for creating and sampling volumetric light sources directly using the volumetric data, obtaining high quality results with any mirror, glossy or diffuse objects, and integrating with any global illumination framework.

Additional materials: [], []

Published version available as

Available as Pixar Technical Memo #13-02