Papers by Aimei Kutt

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Patch-based Surface Relaxation

Fernando de Goes, William Sheffler, Michael Comet, Alonso Martinez, Aimei Kutt
August 2018

From rigging to post-simulation cleanups, surface relaxation is a widely used procedure in feature animation. Over the years, Pixar has experimented with several techniques for this task, mostly based on variants of Laplacian smoothing. Notably, none of existing approaches are suited to reproduce the patch layout of a baseline mesh. ... more

Paper (PDF)

Pixar's Win or Lose - Stylized FX in an Animated Series

Edwin Chang, Eric Lacroix, Aimei Kutt
May 2024

Win or Lose, Pixar's first original venture into episodic long-form storytelling, features a variety of stylized looks and visual effects as diverse as its cast and set of perspectives. To face these challenges, the effects team was formed from a group of multidisciplinary artists from typically separate groups across the ... more

Paper (PDF)

SIGGRAPH Talks 2024