Papers by Breannan Smith

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Stable Neo-Hookean Flesh Simulation

Breannan Smith, Fernando de Goes, Theodore Kim
December 2017

Non-linear hyperelastic energies play a key role in capturing the fleshy appearance of virtual characters. Real-world, volume-preserving biological tissues have Poisson's ratios near 1/2, but numerical simulation within this regime is notoriously challenging. In order to robustly capture these visual characteristics, we present a novel version of Neo-Hookean elasticity. Our ... more

Paper (PDF)


Additional materials: [snh_code.tar.bz2], [stable_neo_hookean_supplement.pdf]

Errata: The expression for alpha on the last line of Page 4 contained a typo that we have fixed.

Analytic Eigensystems for Isotropic Distortion Energies

Breannan Smith, Fernando de Goes, Theodore Kim
September 2018

Many strategies exist for optimizing non-linear distortion energies in geometry and physics applications, but devising an approach that achieves the convergence promised by Newton-type methods remains challenging. In order to guarantee the positive semi-definiteness required by these methods, a numerical eigendecomposition or approximate regularization is usually needed. In this paper, ... more

Paper (PDF)

Additional materials: [], [], [supplement.pdf]