Papers by Jacob Kuenzel

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Automating the Handmade: Shading Thousands of Garments for Coco

Byron Bashforth, Fernando de Goes, Jacob Kuenzel, Jake Merrell, Athena Xenakis
August 2018

Coco presented a challenge for the garment shading team. Firstly, the scale of the movie is significant with both the human and skeleton worlds filled with primary, secondary, and background characters. Secondly, the garments speak to a specific culture and our shading needed to be very detailed to ... more

Paper (PDF)

Elemental Characters: Bringing Water to Life

Max Gilbert, Jacob Kuenzel, Kris Campbell, Greg Gladstone, Jean-Claude Kalache, Fernando de Goes, Jon Barry
May 2023

In Pixar's Elemental, the water characters of Element City are not drenched in water, but made of the element itself. Our goal was to create characters that felt non-human and of water, yet still maintain design, readability and charm. Starting with the concept art (inset) and at every step of ... more

Paper (PDF)

SIGGRAPH Talks 2023

Familiar Feelings: Emotion Look Re-Development on Pixar's Inside Out 2

Ana Lacaze, Masha Ellsworth, Ben Porter, Athena Xenakis, Te Hu, Markus Kranzler, Jacob Kuenzel, Alexis Angelidis
May 2024

The emotion characters on Pixar's Inside Out (2015) were composed of multiple elements that gave them an ethereal look. They were an ingenious composite of a core volume that behaved and illuminated as a glowing surface, moving particles that hovered over it, an edge volume tinted differently based on the ... more

Paper (PDF)

SIGGRAPH Talks 2024