Papers by Markus Kranzler

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Making Souls: Methods and a Pipeline for Volumetric Characters

Patrick Coleman, Laura Murphy, Markus Kranzler, Max Gilbert
June 2020

The soul characters in Disney/Pixar's Soul have a stylized appearance that sets them into a unique world, which introduced many new challenges. Everyone from the art department and character modelers and shaders to the technical directors and developers in the effects, lighting, and software groups collaborated to bring this new ... more

Paper (PDF)


Elemental Characters: Making Characters Out of Thin Air

Markus Kranzler, Krzysztof Rost, Ravindra Dwivedi, Athena Xenakis, Andrew Pettit
May 2023

Pixar's upcoming feature film Elemental required many new technical solutions due to its ambitious visual language and storytelling. The film's characters, made of different elements - fire, water, air, and earth, required a unique approach in finding answers. For our main Air characters we had to come up with a ... more

Paper (PDF)

SIGGRAPH Talks 2023

Familiar Feelings: Emotion Look Re-Development on Pixar's Inside Out 2

Ana Lacaze, Masha Ellsworth, Ben Porter, Athena Xenakis, Te Hu, Markus Kranzler, Jacob Kuenzel, Alexis Angelidis
May 2024

The emotion characters on Pixar's Inside Out (2015) were composed of multiple elements that gave them an ethereal look. They were an ingenious composite of a core volume that behaved and illuminated as a glowing surface, moving particles that hovered over it, an edge volume tinted differently based on the ... more

Paper (PDF)

SIGGRAPH Talks 2024