Array< TYPE > | |
 PatchTables::PatchArray::ArrayRange | Describes the range of patches in a PatchArray |
 PatchParam::BitField | |
 PatchMap::QuadNode::Child | |
 Refinement::ChildTag | |
 CLComputeController | Compute controller for launching OpenCL Compute subdivision kernels |
 CLVertexBuffer | Concrete vertex buffer class for OpenCL subvision |
 ComputeController | |
 CpuComputeController | Compute controller for launching CPU subdivision kernels |
 CpuD3D11VertexBuffer | Concrete vertex buffer class for Cpu subvision and DirectX drawing |
 CpuEvalLimitController | CPU controler for limit surface evaluation |
 CpuGLVertexBuffer | Concrete vertex buffer class for cpu subvision and OpenGL drawing |
 CpuSmoothNormalController | |
 CpuVertexBuffer | Concrete vertex buffer class for cpu subvision |
 Crease | |
 CudaComputeController | Compute controller for launching CUDA subdivision kernels |
 CudaVertexBuffer | Concrete vertex buffer class for Cuda subvision |
 D3D11ComputeController | Compute controller for launching D3D11 Compute subdivision kernels |
 D3D11DrawRegistryBase | |
 D3D11DrawSourceConfig | |
 D3D11VertexBuffer | Concrete vertex buffer class for DirectX subvision and DirectX drawing |
 DefaultController | Far default controller implementation |
 PatchTables::Descriptor | Describes the type of a patch |
 DrawConfig | |
  D3D11DrawConfig | |
  GLDrawConfig | |
 DrawContext | Base DrawContext class |
  D3D11DrawContext | D3D11 specialized DrawContext class |
  GLDrawContext | OpenGL specialized DrawContext class |
 DrawShaderSource | |
 DrawSourceConfig | |
  GLDrawSourceConfig | |
 EdgeInterface | |
 FVarLevel::ETag | |
 Level::ETag | |
 EvalCoords | Coordinates set on a limit surface |
 FaceInterface | |
 CpuEvalLimitController::FacevaryingData | |
 Level::FTag | |
 TopologyRefinerFactoryBase::TopologyDescriptor::FVarChannel | |
 FVarLevel | |
 PatchTables::FVarPatchTables | Face-varying patch vertex indices tables |
 FVarRefinement | |
 GLDrawRegistryBase | |
 GLSLComputeContext | GLSL-Compute Refine Context |
 GLSLComputeController | Compute controller for launching GLSL Compute subdivision kernels |
 GLSLTransformFeedbackComputeContext | GLSL-Compute(transform-feedback) Refine Context |
 GLSLTransformFeedbackComputeController | Compute controller for launching GLSLTransformFeedback transform feedback subdivision kernels |
 GLVertexBuffer | Concrete vertex buffer class for GLSL subvision and OpenGL drawing |
 PatchMap::Handle | Handle that can be used as unique patch identifier within PatchTables |
 HbrAllocator< T > | |
 HbrAllocator< OpenSubdiv::OPENSUBDIV_VERSION::HbrFace< T > > | |
 HbrAllocator< OpenSubdiv::OPENSUBDIV_VERSION::HbrFaceChildren< T > > | |
 HbrAllocator< OpenSubdiv::OPENSUBDIV_VERSION::HbrVertex< T > > | |
 HbrFace< T > | |
 HbrFaceChildren< T > | |
 HbrFaceOperator< T > | |
 HbrFacePath | |
 HbrFVarData< T > | |
 HbrHalfedge< T > | |
 HbrHalfedgeCompare< T > | |
 HbrHalfedgeOperator< T > | |
 HbrHierarchicalEdit< T > | |
  HbrCornerEdit< T > | |
  HbrCreaseEdit< T > | |
  HbrFaceEdit< T > | |
  HbrFVarEdit< T > | |
  HbrHoleEdit< T > | |
  HbrMovingVertexEdit< T > | |
  HbrVertexEdit< T > | |
 HbrHierarchicalEditComparator< T > | |
 HbrMesh< T > | |
 HbrSubdivision< T > | |
  HbrBilinearSubdivision< T > | |
  HbrCatmarkSubdivision< T > | |
  HbrLoopSubdivision< T > | |
 HbrVertex< T > | |
 HbrVertexOperator< T > | |
 PatchTables::Descriptor::iterator | Descriptor iterator class |
 KernelBatch | A GP Compute Kernel descriptor |
 KernelBatchDispatcher | Subdivision refinement encapsulation layer |
 Level | |
 Scheme< SCHEME_TYPE >::LocalMask< WEIGHT > | |
 MaskInterface | |
 MeshInterface< DRAW_CONTEXT > | |
  Mesh< D3D11VertexBuffer, D3D11ComputeController, D3D11DrawContext > | |
 NonCopyable< T > | |
 NonCopyable< CLComputeContext > | |
  CLComputeContext | OpenCL Refine Context |
 NonCopyable< CpuComputeContext > | |
  CpuComputeContext | CPU Compute Context |
 NonCopyable< CpuSmoothNormalContext > | |
  CpuSmoothNormalContext | |
 NonCopyable< CudaComputeContext > | |
  CudaComputeContext | CUDA Refine Context |
 NonCopyable< D3D11ComputeContext > | |
  D3D11ComputeContext | D3D Refine Context |
 NonCopyable< D3D11PtexMipmapTexture > | |
  D3D11PtexMipmapTexture | |
 NonCopyable< D3D11PtexTexture > | |
  D3D11PtexTexture | |
 NonCopyable< EvalLimitContext > | |
  EvalLimitContext | LimitEval Context |
   CpuEvalLimitContext | |
 NonCopyable< GLPtexMipmapTexture > | |
  GLPtexMipmapTexture | |
 NonCopyable< GLPtexTexture > | |
  GLPtexTexture | |
 OmpComputeController | Compute controller for launching OpenMP subdivision kernels |
 OmpSmoothNormalController | |
 Options | |
 StencilTablesFactory::Options | |
 PatchTablesFactory::Options | |
 Refinement::Options | |
 DrawContext::PatchArray | |
 PatchTables::PatchArray | Describes an array of patches of the same type |
 DrawContext::PatchDescriptor | |
 PatchMap | An quadtree-based map connecting coarse faces to their sub-patches |
 PatchParam | Local patch parameterization descriptor |
 PatchTables | Container for patch vertex indices tables |
 PatchTablesFactory | A specialized factory for feature adaptive PatchTables |
 PatchTypes< T > | |
 Refinement | |
 Scheme< SCHEME_TYPE > | |
 SparseSelector | |
 Refinement::SparseTag | |
 Stencil | Vertex stencil descriptor |
  LimitStencil | Limit point stencil descriptor |
 StencilTables | Table of subdivision stencils |
  LimitStencilTables | Table of limit subdivision stencils |
 StencilTablesFactory | A specialized factory for StencilTables |
 TbbComputeController | Compute controller for launching TBB subdivision kernels |
 TbbSmoothNormalController | |
 TopologyRefinerFactoryBase::TopologyDescriptor | Descriptor for raw topology data |
 TopologyRefiner | Stores topology data for a specified set of refinement options |
 TopologyRefinerFactoryBase | |
  TopologyRefinerFactory< MESH > | |
 TypeTraits< SCHEME_TYPE > | |
 FVarLevel::ValueTag | |
 CpuEvalLimitController::VaryingData | |
 Vertex | |
 VertexBufferDescriptor | Describes vertex elements in interleaved data buffers |
 CpuEvalLimitController::VertexData | |
 VertexInterface | |
 Level::VTag | |