Papers by Jeremie Talbot

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AutoSpline: Animation Controls Only When and Where You Need Them

Mark Hessler, Jeremie Talbot
May 2016

Unsimulated character animation of items like ropes or snakes is challenging in the amount of articulation required and the degrees of freedom needing control. At Pixar we developed a powerful new system for animating highly directible curves: AutoSpline. This system is designed to give animators enormous control, without the overhead ... more

Paper (PDF)

SIGGRAPH Talks 2016

Shaping the Elements: Curvenet Animation Controls in Pixar's Elemental

Duc Nguyen, Jeremie Talbot, William Sheffler, Mark Hessler, Kurt Fleischer, Fernando de Goes
May 2023

We present a new shaping rig for authoring layers of animation control that facilitate surface editing in shot work. Our approach expands the curvenet rigging technology [de Goes et al. 2022] by introducing new tools that auto-generate a surface-aligned direct manipulator per curvenet knot. As a result, we obtain a ... more

Paper (PDF)

SIGGRAPH Talks 2023