Papers by Werner Stuetzle

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Interactive multiresolution surface viewing

Andrew Certain, Jovan Popovic, Tony D. DeRose, Tom Duchamp, David H. Salesin, Werner Stuetzle
August 1996

Not available.

Available in the Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 1996.

Multiresolution Analysis of Arbitrary Meshes

Matthias Eck, Tony D. DeRose, Tom Duchamp, Hugues Hoppe, Michael Lounsbery, Werner Stuetzle
August 1995

In computer graphics and geometric modeling, shapes are often represented by triangular meshes. With the advent of laser scanning systems, meshes of extreme complexity are rapidly becoming commonplace. Such meshes are notoriously expensive to store, transmit, render, and are awkward to edit. Multiresolution analysis offers a simple, unified, and theoretically sound approach to dealing with these ... [more]

Available in the Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 1995.

Piecewise Smooth Surface Reconstruction

Hugues Hoppe, Tony D. DeRose, Tom Duchamp, Mark Halstead, Hubert Jin, John McDonald, Jean Schweitzer, Werner Stuetzle
August 1994

We present a general method for automatic reconstruction of accurate, concise, piecewise smooth surface models from scattered range data. The method can be used in a variety of applications such as reverse engineering, and the automatic generation of CAD models from physical objects. Novel aspects of the method are its ability to model surfaces of ... [more]

Available in the proceedings of Siggraph, 1994

Surface Reconstruction from Unorganized Points

Hugues Hoppe, Tony D. DeRose, Tom Duchamp, John McDonald, Werner Stuetzle
July 1992

We describe and demonstrate an algorithm that takes as input an unorganized set of points x_1, ..., x_n on or near an unknown manifold M, and produces as output a simplicial surface that approximates M. Neither the topology, the presence of boundaries, nor the geometry of M are assumed to be known in advance ... [more]

Available in Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 1992