Papers by Michael Lounsbery

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Multiresolution Analysis for Surfaces of Arbitrary Topological Type

Michael Lounsbery, Tony D. DeRose, Joe Warren
January 1997

In this article, we present a new class of wavelets, based on subdivision surfaces, that radically extends the class of representable functions. Whereas previous two-dimensional methods were restricted to functions defined on R, the subdivision wavelets developed here may be applied to functions defined on compact surfaces of arbitrary topological type. ... [more]

Available in ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 16, No. 1, January 1997.

Multiresolution Analysis of Arbitrary Meshes

Matthias Eck, Tony D. DeRose, Tom Duchamp, Hugues Hoppe, Michael Lounsbery, Werner Stuetzle
August 1995

In computer graphics and geometric modeling, shapes are often represented by triangular meshes. With the advent of laser scanning systems, meshes of extreme complexity are rapidly becoming commonplace. Such meshes are notoriously expensive to store, transmit, render, and are awkward to edit. Multiresolution analysis offers a simple, unified, and theoretically sound approach to dealing with these ... [more]

Available in the Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 1995.