Papers by Matt Kuruc

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Hypertextural Garments on Pixar's Soul

Jonathan Hoffman, Matt Kuruc, Junyi Ling, Alex Marino, George Nguyen, Sasha Ouellet
July 2020

The art direction of Souls version of New York City sought a highly detailed "hypertextural" style to contrast the ethereal volumetric world our characters visit later in the film. The Soul characters team identified that increasing the detail of our garment assets heightened the separation between the two worlds. To ... more

Paper (PDF)

Rasterizing Volumes and Surfaces for Crowds on Soul

Sasha Ouellet, Daniel Garcia, Stephen Gustafson, Matt Kuruc, Michael Lorenzen, George Nguyen, Grace Gilbert
July 2020

In order to produce shots with hundreds of multi-volume crowd characters for Soul, we developed a pipeline rooted in rasterization techniques to pose density fields and other shading signals entirely at render-time.

Paper (PDF)