


glPtexViewer [-f] [-yup] [-u] [-a] [-l isolation level] [-c animation loops]
    [-e environment map] [-d HDR diffuse map] [-s HDR specular map]
    [--disp displacement scale] [--bump bump scale]
    ptex color file
    ptex displacement file
    ptex occlusion file
    ptex specular file


glPtexViewer is a stand-alone application that showcases advanced HDR shading with color, displacement, occlusion and specular ptex maps. Multiple controls are available to experiment with the algorithms.



See the description of the common comand line options for the subset of common options supported here.

-e environment map
A low dynamic range spherical environment map used as a background. Ideally, a color-normalized version of the HDR light probe.
-d HDR diffuse map
An HDR file containing a diffuse environment map (typically they are low resolution blurry hemispherical convolutions of the environment light probe).
-s environment map
An HDR file containing a specular environment map.
--disp displacement scale
A scalar multiplier for the shader displacement values.
--bump displacement scale
A scalar multiplier for the shader bump values.
ptex color file
A ptex file containing RGB channels read as material albedo color.
ptex displacement file
A single-channel ptex file (preferably float precision) containing the displacement values.
ptex occlusion file
A single-channel ptex file (preferably 8 bits precision) containing a pre-computed ambient occlusion signal.
ptex specular file
A single-channel ptex file (preferably 8 bits precision) applied to modulate the specular reflectance of the material


q      : quit
esc    : hide GUI
x      : save screenshot
f      : fit frame
+/-    : increase / decrease tessellation rate
r      : reload and re-compile the shader files
e      : draw normals